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State Food and Drug Administration

Order of the State Food and Drug Administration

No. 15

The Measures for the Administration of License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises, which were deliberated and adopted at
the executive meeting of the State Food and Drug Administration on June 25, 2004, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force
as of the date of promulgation.

Director General, Zheng Xiaoyu

August 9, 2004

Measures for the Administration of License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

The present Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulation on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices for
the purpose of strengthening the supervision and administration of the permission for medical appliance operation.

Article 2

The present Measures shall apply to the issuance, replacement, alteration, supervision and administration of the License for Medical
Appliance Operation Enterprises.

Article 3

An enterprise that operates medical appliances of Class 2 or Class 3 shall hold the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise.
However, an enterprise that operates certain small number of medical appliances of Class 2 and is able to guarantee the safety and
efficacy of such medical appliances in the process of circulation through conventional management does not have to file an application
for the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise. The List of the medical appliance products of Class 2 that do not
require the License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises shall be formulated by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Article 4

The State Food and Drug Administration shall be in charge of the supervision and administration of the License for Medical Appliance
Operation Enterprises within the country.

The administrative department of food/drug of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government
shall be in charge of the issuance, replacement, alteration, supervision and administration of the License for Medical Appliance
Operation Enterprises within their own jurisdictions.

The food/drug administrative institutions at the municipal level or the food/drug administrative institutions at the county level
directly established by the food/drug administrative department of all provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly
under the Central Government shall take charge of the daily supervision and administration of the License for Medical Appliance Operation
Enterprises within their own jurisdiction.

Article 5

The State Food and Drug Administration shall gradually put in force regulations on medical appliance operation quality management.
The criterion of the medical appliance operation quality management shall be formulated by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Chapter II Application conditions on the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise

Article 6

In order to apply for a License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, the applicant shall meet the following conditions


It shall have a quality management department or full-time quality management personnel in accordance with its operational scale and
business scope. The quality management personnel shall have State-accredited diplomas or professional post_title of relevant specialty;


It shall have a relatively independent business place in accordance with its operational scale and business scope;


Its storage conditions shall be suitable for its operational scale and business scope, including the storage facilities and equipment
meeting the requirements of the medical appliance products’ special features;


It shall establish and improve the product quality management systems, including the regulations on purchase, inspection and acceptance
of purchased goods, warehousing custody, re-check upon leaving the warehouse, follow-up supervision of the quality and report of
misconducts, etc.; and


It shall have the technical training and after-sale service capacities suitable for the medical appliance products it operates, or
have reached an agreement with a third party that provide technical supports.

Article 7

An enterprise that applies for a License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise must pass the examination conducted by the
administrative department of food/drug.

In light of the actual situation of its own jurisdiction, the administrative departments of food/drug of all provinces, autonomous
regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate the standards for inspection and acceptance of
medical appliance operation enterprises, and submit such standards to the State Food and Drug Administration for archival filing
in accordance with the present Measures.

Article 8

The business scope stated in a License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall be determined according to the management
class and classification code name prescribed in the catalogue of classification of medical appliances.

Chapter III Application procedures for the License of the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise

Article 9

The administrative departments of food/drug of all provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government
or the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level where the to-be-established enterprise is located or
the entrusted shall take charge of processing the applications for the License of Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises.

Article 10

The administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
or the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level shall announce the conditions, procedures, time limit,
catalogue of all necessary materials to be submitted for applying for the License of the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise,
and a model text of the application letter as well on its administrative organ’s website or at its location.

Article 11

When applying for the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, the applicant shall submit the following documents:


The Application Form for the License of the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise;


The testimonial issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce on pre-ratification of the enterprise’s name;


The photocopies of the identity certificates, diplomas or professional post_title certificates and curriculum vitae of the quality management
personnel of the enterprise to be established;


The organizational structure and functions of the enterprise to be established;


The sketch map of the location and the ichnography (indicated with acreage) of the registered address of the enterprise to be established,
and those of the address of its warehouse, and a photocopy of premise ownership certificate (or lease agreement);


Documents on the product quality management system of the enterprise to be established, and a catalogue of its storage facilities
and equipment; and


The business scope of the enterprise to be established.

Article 12

An applicant shall file the application for the License of the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise to the administrative department
of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government where the to-be-established
enterprise is located, or to the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level.

As to the application filed by an applicant for issuance of the license of the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, the administrative
department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government or the entrusted
food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level shall deal separately according to the following circumstances:


If the application does not fall within the scope of powers of the abovementioned administration, a decision shall be made refusing
to accept the application and the Notification on Not Accepting the Application shall be issued. The applicant shall be informed
to file the application to other relevant department;


If the application materials contain any error that may be corrected on the spot, the applicant shall be allowed to correct the said
error immediately;


If the application materials are incomplete or do not conform to the legal form, the abovementioned administration shall send a Notification
for Supplement of Materials to the applicant, and inform the applicant of all the contents to be supplemented either on the spot
or within 5 working days. If it fails to so inform the applicant, it shall be deemed as having accepted the application as of receipt
of the application materials; or


If the application falls within the scope of powers of the abovementioned administration, and the application materials are complete
and conform to the legal form, or all the supplemented application materials are submitted as required, the said administration shall
issue the Notification on Accepting the Application, which shall be affixed with a special stamp for acceptance and be indicated
with the date of acceptance.

Article 13

According to the standards for inspection and acceptance of medical device operation enterprises, the administrative department of
food/drug of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government or r entrusted food/drug administrative
institutions at the municipal level shall make an on-site check on the enterprise to be established, and shall examine the application
materials in accordance with the present Measures.

Article 14

The administrative department of food/drug of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
shall make a decision on whether or not to ratify the issuance of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise within
30 working days as of acceptance of an application. If it considers that the application meets the requirements, it shall make a
decision on approving the issuance of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise and issue the License for the Medical
Appliance Operation Enterprise to the applicant within 10 days as of making the decision. However, if it considers that the application
does not meet the requirements, it shall notify the applicant in writing form, stating the reason therefor and informing the applicant
of the legal right to apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit.

Article 15

When examining the application filed by an applicant, the administrative department of food/drug shall announce the examination process
and results. The applicant or an interested person may make its statement and defense by submitting written opinions regarding the
matter directly related to its major interests.

Where an application for a License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise directly involves the major interest relationship
with the applicant or others, the administrative department of food/drug shall inform the applicant or the said other related person
of the legal right to apply for a hearing.

Where a administrative department of food/drug considers that a License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise involves
public benefits, it shall make an announcement to the public and hold a hearing.

Article 16

The administrative department of food/drug of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
shall publish the relevant information on the issued License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises, and the right to inquire
about such information remains with the public.

Chapter IV Alteration and Replacement Issuance of License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises

Article 17

The alteration of items in a License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise may be divided into alteration of permitted contents
and alteration of registered contents.

The alteration of permitted contents shall include alteration of the quality management personnel, the registered address, the business
scope, and the address of the warehouse (including adding or removal of a warehouse).

The alteration of registered contents shall mean the alteration of the contents other than those mentioned above.

Article 18

With a view to modifying a permitted content in a License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, the medical appliance operation
enterprise shall fill out the application letter for alteration of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, and
submit the photocopies of the Business License and the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, which shall be affixed
with its stamp.

With a view to modifying the quality management personnel, the said enterprise shall meanwhile submit the photocopies of the identity
certificates of the newly appointed quality management personnel, their diplomas or professional post_title certificates; with a view
to modifying the registered address, the said enterprise shall meanwhile submit a photocopy of the ownership certificate of the modified
address or of the lease agreement, a sketch map of the location, an ichnography and a statement on storage conditions; with a view
to modifying the business scope, the said enterprise shall meanwhile submit a photocopy of the registration certificate for the product
under planned operation, and a statement on the corresponding storage conditions, as well; with a view to modifying the address of
the warehouse, the said enterprise shall meanwhile submit a photocopy of the ownership certificate of the modified address of the
warehouse or of the lease agreement, a sketch map of the location, an ichnography and a statement on storage conditions.

Article 19

Where a medical appliance operation enterprise applies for alteration of a permitted content, the administrative department of food/drug
of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government or the entrusted food/drug administrative
institution at the municipal level shall examine the application according to the standards for inspection and acceptance of medical
device operation enterprises within 15 working days as of acceptance of the medical device operation enterprise’s application for
alteration of the permitted content, and the administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality
directly under the Central Government shall make a decision on whether or not to approve the alteration; if an on-site inspection
is needed, the said administration shall make a decision on approving or not approving the alteration within 20 working days as of
acceptance of the application.

Where the administrative department of food/drug of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
makes a decision on approving the alteration, it shall record the modified content and the time of alteration on the counterpart
of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise; however, if it does not approve the alteration, it shall inform the
applicant in writing form stating the reason therefor and informing the applicant of the legal right to apply for administrative
reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit.

After alteration of a permitted content of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, a medical appliance operation
enterprise shall legally go through the relevant alteration procedures of enterprise registration in the administrative department
for industry and commerce. The valid term of the modified License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall remain unchanged.

Article 20

Where a medical appliance operation enterprise’s operation in violation of law has been put on the file by the administrative department
of food/drug for investigation, but the case is not finalized; or the enterprise received an administrative penalty decision, but
has not implemented the penalty, the administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality
directly under the Central Government or the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level shall suspend
accepting or examining the enterprise’s application for alteration of the permitted content in the License for the Medical Appliance
Operation Enterprise until the case is finalized.

Article 21

Where a medical appliance operation enterprise intends to have a registered content in the License for the Medical Appliance Operation
Enterprise modified, it shall fill out the application letter for alteration of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation
Enterprise within 30 days after the administrative department for industry and commerce approves the alteration, and apply to the
administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
or the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level for alteration registration of the License for the
Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise. The administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality
directly under the Central Government or the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level shall, handle
the alteration formalities, and notify the applicant within 15 working days as of receipt of the application for alteration.

Article 22

After alteration of a registered content in the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, the administrative department
of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government or the entrusted food/drug
administrative institution at the municipal level shall record the modified contents and time of alteration on the counterpart of
the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise. The valid term of the modified License for the Medical Appliance Operation
Enterprise shall remain unchanged.

Article 23

Where an enterprise is divided, merged, or moved to another jurisdiction, it shall re-apply for a License for the Medical Appliance
Operation Enterprise in accordance with the present Measures.

Article 24

The valid term of the License for a Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall be 5 years. At expiry of the valid term, if the
medical appliance operation enterprise needs to continue to operate the medical appliance products, it shall apply to the administrative
department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government or the entrusted
food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level for replacement issuance of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation
Enterprise 6 months prior to the expiry of the valid term,.

The administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
or the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level shall examine the application for replacement issuance
of the license in accordance with the present Measures.

The administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
shall make a decision on whether or not to approve the replacement of the license prior to the expiry of valid term of the License
for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise,. If it fails to make the decision within the time limit, it shall be deemed as consenting
to the replacement of the license and shall handle the corresponding formalities.

Where the administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government
considers that the application meets the requirements, it shall issue a new License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise
and take back the former one at expiry of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise; however, if, the application
does not meet the conditions, it shall order the applicant to make a rectification within a time limit; if the applicant still fails
to meet the conditions after rectification, the said administrative department shall nullify the former License for the Medical
Appliance Operation Enterprise at expiry of the valid term, inform the applicant in writing form, stating the reason therefor and
informing the applicant of the legal right to apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit.

Article 25

Where a medical device operation enterprise loses its License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, it shall immediately
report to the administrative department, of food/drug and make an announcement of the loss on a media designated by the administrative
department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government. The administrative
department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall re-issue
the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise on the basis of the original approved contents after 1 month as of the
enterprise’s publishing of the statement of loss. The valid term of the re-issued License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise
shall be the same as that of the former License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise.

Chapter V Supervisory Inspections

Article 26

A administrative department of food/drug at the higher level shall strengthen its supervisory inspections on the granting of medical
appliance operation permits by the administrative departments of food/drug at the lower levels, and shall timely correct the illegal
acts in granting administrative permits.

Article 27

A administrative department of food/drug shall set up the working archives on issuance, replacement, alteration, supervisory inspection,
etc. of the License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises, and shall report the information of the last quarter on issuance,
replacement, alteration, supervisory inspection, etc. of the License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises to the administrative
department of food/drug at the next higher level in the first of week of each quarter. As to the legally invalidated or recovered
License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises, the administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region,
or municipality directly under the Central Government shall set up an archive and keep it for 5 years.

Article 28

A administrative department of food/drug shall strengthen its supervisory inspections on medical device operation enterprises. The
main contents of supervisory inspection shall include:


Name of the enterprise, change of the enterprise’s legal representative, person-in-charge and quality management personnel;


Change of the enterprise’s registered address and address of the warehouse;


Information on the business place, storage conditions and main storage facilities and equipment;


Implementation and change of the business scope and other important contents;


Implementation of the enterprise product quality management system; and


Other relevant contents to be inspected.

Article 29

A supervisory inspection may be conducted in the way of written inspection, on-site inspection, or combining the written inspection
with the on-site one. If a medical appliance operation enterprise is under any of the following circumstances, the administrative
department of food/drug must conduct an on-site inspection:


It is an enterprise newly established in the last year;


It has problems in the inspection of the last year;


It is an enterprise subject to any administrative penalty due to violation of any relevant law or regulation; or


Any other case where the food/drug administrative department considers an on-site inspection should be conducted.

Article 30

In the year when the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise is replaced, the supervisory inspection and the replacement
examination may be conducted simultaneously.

Article 31

When legally conducting a supervisory inspection on a medical appliance operation enterprise, a administrative department of food/drug
shall record the information on the supervisory inspection and the results, which shall be signed by the supervisory inspectors and
then be kept in archives. The administrative department of food/drug shall announce the on-site inspection results and record them
on the counterpart of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise.

Article 32

In case any of the following circumstances arises, the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall be nullified
by the original administrative department that issued the license:


The valid term of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise has expired and the enterprise fails to apply for replacement
issuance or is not approved for a new license ;


The medical appliance operation enterprise terminates its business or is legally closed up;


The License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise is legally cancelled, withdrawn, revoked, recovered or invalidated;


The medical appliance operation enterprise is unable to carry out its normal business due to force majeure; or


Other circumstances under which the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise is required to be nullified by any law
or regulation.

Where a administrative department of food/drug nullifies the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, it shall notify
the administrative department for industry and commerce and announce the nullification to the public within 5 working days as of
the nullification,.

Chapter VI Legal Liabilities

Article 33

Where a medical appliance operation enterprise unlawfully modifies any of its quality management personnel, it shall be ordered by
the administrative department of food/drug to make a correction within the time limit. If it fails to make a correction within the
time limit, it shall be fined 5,000 Yuan up to 10,000 Yuan.

Article 34

Where a medical appliance operation enterprise unlawfully modifies its registered address or address of the warehouse, it shall be
ordered by the administrative department of food/drug to make a correction within the time limit, imposed upon a circularized criticism,
and fined 5,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan in addition.

Article 35

Where a medical appliance operation enterprise unlawfully enlarges its business scope or lowers its operational conditions, it shall
be ordered by the food/drug administrative department to make a correction within the time limit, imposed upon a circularized criticism,
be fined 10,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan in addition.

Article 36

Where an applicant conceals the relevant information or provides false materials to apply for the License for the Medical Appliance
Operation Enterprise, the administrative department of food/drug of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under
the Central Government or the entrusted food/drug administrative institution at the municipal level shall refuse to accept the application
or refuse to ratify the issuance of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, and shall warn the application in
addition. The applicant may not apply for the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise again within 1 year.

Article 37

Where an applicant obtains the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise by fraud, by offering bribery, or by other
foul means, the administrative department of food/drug shall revoke its License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise,
warn it, and fine it 10,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan. The said applicant may not apply for the License for the Medical Appliance Operation
Enterprise again within 3 years.

Article 38

Where a medical appliance operation enterprise has any of the following acts, it shall be ordered by the administrative department
of food/drug to make a correction within the time limit, and be warned; if it refuses to make a correction within the time limit,
it shall be fined 10,000 Yuan up to 20,000 Yuan:


Altering, buying and selling for profit, leasing, or lending the license for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, or illegally
assigning the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise in any other form;


Carrying out business activities out of the business scope stated in the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise;


Concealing the relevant information or providing false materials in supervisory inspection, or refusing to provide authentic materials
reflecting its business situation.

Article 39

Where an enterprise violates any relevant law or regulation under any other circumstance, in the issuance, replacement issuance, alteration,
supervision and administration of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise, it shall be punished in accordance
with the relevant laws and regulations.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 40

The License for a Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall include the original copy and the counterpart. Both the original copy
and the counterpart of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall have equal legal binding force. The original
copy of the License for the Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall be placed at an eye-catching position of the medical appliance
operation enterprise’s operation place.

The License for a Medical Appliance Operation Enterprise shall state the enterprise’s name and legal person, the names of the person-in-charge
and the quality management personnel, the business scope, the registered address, the address of the warehouse, the license number,
the serial number of the license, the administrative department that issued the license, the date of issuance and the valid term,

Article 41

The License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises shall be uniformly printed by the State Food and Drug Administration. The
specimens of the original copies and counterparts of the License for Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises and the numbering method
shall be uniformly formulated by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Article 42

The present Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation. The Measures for the Supervision and Administration of
Medical Appliance Operation Enterprises promulgated by the State Drug Administration by Order No. 19 shall be abolished simultaneously.

State Food and Drug Administration

Decree of the State Food and Drug Administration

No. 16

The “Measures for the Administration of Medical Device Registration”, which were deliberated and adopted at the working meeting of
the State Food and Drug Administration on May 28, 2004, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.

Zheng Xiaoyu, Director General

August 9, 2004

Measures for the Administration of Medical Device Registration

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

These Measures are formulated in accordance with the “Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices” in order
to regulate the administration of medical device registration, and ensure the security and utility of medical devices.

Article 2

Whoever sells or uses medical devices inside the People’s Republic of China shall apply for registration in accordance with these
Measures, and no medical device shall be sold or used without being approved for registration.

Article 3

Medical device registration means the process of carrying out systematic appraisal pursuant to legal procedures on the security and
utility of the medical devices to be sold on the market and to be used, so as to decide whether or not to approve their sale and

Article 4

The State administers medical devices by classified registration.

The medical devices on Category I inside China shall be examined by the (food) drug administration at the level of a city divided
into districts, and upon approval, a medical device registration certificate shall be issued to the party concerned.

The medical devices on Category II inside China shall be examined by the (food) drug administration of the province, autonomous region,
or municipality directly under the Central Government, and upon approval, a medical device registration certificate shall be issued
to the party concerned.

The medical devices on Category III inside China shall be examined by the State Food and Drug Administration, and upon approval, a
medical device registration certificate shall be issued to the party concerned.

The medical devices from abroad shall be examined by the State Food and Drug Administration, and upon approval, a medical device registration
certificate shall be issued to the party concerned.

The registration of medical devices from the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao shall, unless otherwise prescribed by these Measures,
be handled with reference to that for medical devices from abroad.

The validity period for a medical device registration certificate is 4 years.

Article 5

The medical device registration certificate shall be uniformly printed and made by State Food and Drug Administration, with the corresponding
contents to be filled in by the (food) drug administration responsible for examination, approval and registration.

The registration number shall be laid out as follows:

￿￿￿￿ 1 (shi) yao jian xie (￿￿) zi ￿aaa￿ No. ￿￿￿a￿￿aaa￿. Among which,

￿￿ shall be the shortened form of the locality of the registration and approval organ:

For the medical devices on Category III inside China, medical devices from abroad and those from the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong
and Macao, such shortened form shall be indicated as the character of “Guo”, which means national;

For the medical devices on Category II inside China, such shortened form shall be indicated as that of the province, autonomous region,
or municipality directly under the Central Government where the registration and approval organ is located;

For the medical devices on Category I inside China, such shortened form shall be indicated as that of the province, autonomous region,
or municipality directly under the Central Government where the registration and approval organ is located, plus that of the administrative
area at the level of city divided into districts, namely, ￿a￿ (if there is no corresponding administrative area at the level of
city divided into districts, it shall only be the shortened form of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under
the Central Government);

￿￿ shall be the registration form (whether approved [zhun], imported [jin] or permitted [xu]):

The form of being “Approved” shall apply to the medical devices inside China;

The form of being “Imported” shall apply to the medical devices from abroad;

The form of being “Permitted” shall apply to the medical devices from the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao;

￿aaa￿ shall be the year in which the registration is approved;

￿￿ shall be the category of product administration;

￿a￿ shall be the number of the product variety;

￿aaa￿ shall be the registration sequence number.

A medical device registration certificate shall be attached with a “Medical Device Registration Form” (see Appendix 1 of these Measures),
which shall be used simultaneously with the medical device registration certificate.

Article 6

A manufacturing enterprise may obtain a medical device registration certificate after its application for medical device registration
has been approved, and shall bear the corresponding legal obligations.

A person handling an application for medical device registration shall be entrusted by a manufacturing enterprise, have the corresponding
professional expertise, and be familiar with the laws, regulations, rules and technical requirements on medical device registration
and administration.

A manufacturing enterprise outside China shall, when applying for the registration of medical devices from abroad, appoint an institution
inside China as its agent, which shall assume legal liabilities accordingly; in addition, the manufacturing enterprise outside China
shall entrust a legal entity inside China with corresponding qualification or entrust its office in China to undertake after-sale
services for the medical devices.

Article 7

With respect to the medical devices under application for registration, there shall be applicable product standards. For this purpose,
national standards or industry standards may be adopted or standards for registered products may be formulated, however the standards
for registered products may not be lower than national standards or industry standards.

The standards for registered products shall be compiled in accordance with the requirements prescribed by the State Food and Drug
Administration for standard administration of medical devices.

Article 8

A manufacturing enterprise applying for registration of medical devices on Category II or Category III shall meet the production conditions
prescribed by the State Food and Drug Administration or the relevant quality system requirements.

Chapter II Medical Device Registration Test

Article 9

For the medical devices on Categories II and III, registration test shall be carried out by a medical device testing institution accredited
by the State Food and Drug Administration jointly with the State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine,
and only after the medical devices have been tested as meeting the applicable product standards may they be used for clinical trial
or apply for registration.

The catalogue of the medical device testing institutions accredited by the State Food and Drug Administration jointly with the State
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as medical device testing institutions)
shall be separately promulgated.

Article 10

A medical device testing institution shall, within the testing scope recognized by the State Food and Drug Administration and the
State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and according to the applicable product standards
for manufacturing enterprises (including applicable national standards, industry standards, or standards made by the manufacturing
enterprise for registered products), carry out registration test for the products under application, and issue a testing report.

The medical devices which have not been included into the scope of authorized test by medical device testing institutions shall be
tested by a capable testing unit appointed by a corresponding registration and approval organ.

The registration test of medical devices from abroad shall apply the “Provisions on Registration Test of Medical Devices from Abroad”.

Article 11

The products tested within one registration unit shall be the typical products which can represent security and utility of other products
within this same registration unit.

Article 12

With respect to the products of the same category which are produced by one manufacturing enterprise with the same raw materials,
if the production techniques and anticipated purposes remain unchanged, no biocompatibility trial needs to be carried out during
the biological evaluation of the products at the time of re-registration.

With respect to the products of the same category which are produced by one manufacturing enterprise with raw materials having passed
biological evaluation, if the production process or anticipated purpose remains unchanged, or if there is no new potential biological
risks, no biocompatibility trial needs to be carried out during the biological evaluation of the products at the time of application
for registration.

Article 13

Those applying for medical device registration under Category II or Category III may, when meeting the following conditions simultaneously,
be exempted from registration test:


The basic theory, main functions and structure, materials used, and anticipated purposes of the medical devices under application
for registration and those of the medical devices already approved for registration from the same enterprise fall in the same category;


The manufacturing enterprise has already passed the inspection on the quality management standards for the production of medical devices
or has obtained the quality system certification for medical devices, and is able to provide the testing report accredited by the
original institution which has examined the production conditions of the enterprise;


When compared with products on the same category which have been approved for registration and have passed registration test, if there
is no change in the security or utility with the medical devices under application for registration, or although there is change
in the security or utility, both the changed part and the part causing other relevant changes in the security or utility of the products
have passed the test carried out by the medical device testing institution;


No serious ill incident is found with the products which have been approved for registration on the same category by the same enterprise
under the monitoring conducted as prescribed;


No records of disqualification are kept on its products of the same category which have been approved for registration within 1 year
from the selective supervision and inspection by the (food) drug administration on the quality of the product; and


The medical devices from abroad have been approved by the corresponding governmental medical device authority to be put on market.

Article 14

Those applying for re-registration of medical devices or products on Category II or Category III may, when meeting the following conditions
simultaneously, be exempted from registration test:


The basic theory, main functions and structure, materials used, and anticipated purpose of the medical devices under application for
re-registration and those of its medical devices approved for registration fall in the same category;


The manufacturing enterprise has passed the inspection on its quality management rules for production of medical devices or has obtained
the quality system certification for medical devices, and is able to provide the testing report accredited by the original institution
for examination of enterprise production conditions;


When compared with the original registered products which have passed registration test, there is no change in the security or utility
with the medical devices under application for re-registration, or although there is change in security or utility, both the changed
part and the part causing other relevant changes in the security or utility of the products have passed the test carried out by the
medical device testing institution;


No serious ill incident is found under the monitoring conducted as prescribed upon the medical devices under application for re-registration
within the original validity period for the medical device registration certificate; and


No records of disqualification are kept on its originally registered medical devices within 1 year from the selective product quality
supervision and inspection made by the (food) drug administration.

Article 15

With respect to large medical devices which have been approved by the medical device authority of a foreign government to be put on
the market, but whose installation place is under particular requirements and whose testing is difficult, the manufacturing enterprise
may apply for temporary delay of testing, and apply for supplementary testing after obtaining the medical device registration certificate.

With respect to the products whose testing is temporarily delayed according to the preceding paragraph and which are approved for
registration, the manufacturing enterprise must complete the registration test after the first medical device enters into China and
before it is put into use. Only after they have been tested as qualified may they be put into use.

Chapter III Clinical Trial of Medical Devices

Article 16

Those manufacturing enterprises applying for registration of medical devices on Category II or Category III shall submit clinical
trial documents.

The method of submitting clinical trial documents shall be in accordance with the “Provisions on Itemization of Clinical Trial Documents
for Medical Device Registration” (see Appendix 12 of these Measures).

Article 17

Those enterprises carrying out clinical trial of medical devices inside China shall strictly implement the “Provisions on Clinical
Trial of Medical Devices”.

Article 18

For the medical devices whose clinical trial is carried out inside China, the clinical trial documents shall include clinical trial
contract, clinical trial program and clinical trial report.

When deeming it as necessary, a (food) drug administration may require the manufacturing enterprise to submit the directions for clinical
trial, a consent letter indicating the knowledge about the information, and the original clinical trial records.

Chapter IV Application for, Examination and Approval of Medical Device Registration

Article 19

When applying for medical device registration, the applicant shall, according to the classification of medical devices, file an application
to the corresponding (food) drug administration as prescribed in Article 4 of these Measures, and shall fill out the application
form for medical device registration, and submit the application documents pursuant to the corresponding requirements in Appendix
2, Appendix 3, Appendix 6, Appendix 8 or Appendix 9 of these Measures. The application documents shall be in Chinese. When submitting
the application documents translated from a foreign language, the original text shall be provided at the same tome.

The medical device directions submitted by the applicant shall conform to the “Provisions on the Administration of Medical Device
Directions, Labels and Packing Marks”.

The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of all contents in the application documents.

Article 20

The (food) drug administration shall, after receipt of an application, deal with the application in light of the following circumstances:


If the matters in application do not fall in the scope of its powers in accordance with the law, it shall immediately make a decision
on not accepting the application, and inform the applicant to apply to other relevant administrative organ;


If any error which may be corrected on site exists in the application documents, it shall permit the applicant to make corrections
on site;


If the application documents are incomplete or do not meet the requirements for formal examination, it shall issue a “Notice on Supplementing
Documents” to the applicant on site or within 5 working days, and inform the applicant once and for all the contents to be supplemented.
If it fails to inform the applicant within the time limit, it shall be regarded as having accepted the application as of the date
when the application documents are received;


If the application documents are complete and meet the requirements for formal examination, or the applicant has submitted all the
supplemented application documents as required, the application shall be regarded as having been accepted.

The (food) drug administration shall, whether or not accepting the application for medical device registration, issue a “Notice on
Accepting the Application” or “Notice on Not Accepting the Application” affixed with its special stamp and indicated with the date.

Article 21

A (food) drug administration shall, after accepting the application for medical device registration, make substantive examination
on the application within the time limit prescribed in Article 22 of these Measures, and make a written decision on whether to approve
the registration. If the application is examined as conforming to the provisions and the registration is approved, the (food) drug
administration shall issue the medical device registration certificate within 10 working days as of approving the decision in writing.
If the application is examined as not conforming to the provisions, the (food) drug administration shall make a written decision
on not approving the registration, state the reason, and meanwhile inform the applicant of the right to lawfully apply for administrative
reconsideration or to bring an administrative lawsuit.

Article 22

The (food) drug administration at the level of a city divided into districts shall, within 30 working days as of accepting an application,
make a decision on whether to approve the registration.

The (food) drug administration of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, within
60 working days as of accepting an application, make a decision on whether to approve the registration.

The State Food and Drug Administration shall, within 90 working days as of accepting an application, make a decision on whether to
approve the registration.

If, in the process of examination of an application for registration, it is necessary to hold a test, expert appraisal or hearing,
the time needed for it shall not be calculated into the time limit prescribed in this Article. The (food) drug administration shall
inform the applicant in writing of the time needed.

Article 23

With respect to the medical devices from abroad which are not permitted to be put on market, the applicant may apply for registration
with reference to the requirements for technical examination for registration of products of the same category inside China (see
Appendix 8 and Appendix 9 of these Measures for necessary documents to be submitted).

Article 24

A (food) drug administration shall, when making technical examination on the application documents for medical device registration,
send a one-time written notice on supplementing documents, if the manufacturing enterprise needs to supplement documents.

A manufacturing enterprise shall, within 60 working days, supplement all the documents as required by the notice for once, and the
time for supplementing documents shall not be calculated into the time limit for the (food) drug administration to make substantive
examination. If the manufacturing enterprise fails to supplement the documents within the prescribed time limit and has no justifiable
reason, the examination shall be terminated.

Article 25

Where the examination of an application for registration is terminated, the applicant may not file a second application within 6 months
as of the termination of the examination.

Article 26

Where a manufacturing enterprise has any objections to the contents in the notice on supplementing documents, it may, within the prescribed
time limit, propose written opinions to the (food) drug administration, state the reasons, and provide technical support documents,
so that the (food) drug administration may make a decision from examination.

Article 27

The registration units of medical device products shall, in principle, be divided on the basis of technical structure, performance
index and anticipated purpose.

Article 28

With respect to the medical devices registered as components, the applicant shall state the recommended product to be used along with
such components, as well as the name, model and specifications of such components.

For a whole machine assembled with components approved for registration, the whole machine registration procedures must be fulfilled.

With respect to the medical devices registered as a whole machine, the enterprise involved shall, when applying for registration,
list the main configurations. In the event that the performance or specifications of the components of a certain main configuration
are changed, the manufacturing enterprise involved shall make re-registration of the whole machine.

With respect to the medical devices registered as a whole machine, if the combined components listed in the column of “Product Performance,
Structure and Composition” in the attached schedule of the medical device registration certificate are sold independently on the
condition that neither the form of combination nor the anticipated purpose is changed, specific registration may be exempted.

Article 29

A (food) drug administration shall announce the conditions, procedures and time limit for the medical device registration, a catalogue
of all documents to be submitted, and a sample version of the application letter, etc. on the administrative organ’s website as well
as in the work place for medical device registration.

Article 30

A (food) drug administration shall, when examining an application for medical device registration, announce the process of the examination
and result of approval. The applicant and an interested party may submit its/his written opinions on the matters directly related
to its/his major benefits, make statements and contentions.

Article 31

The State Food and Drug Administration shall regularly publish on its governmental website the catalogue of the medical devices which
have been approved for registration, for the public’s reference.

Article 32

Where an application for medical device registration is directly involved with the major benefit relationship between the applicant
and others, the (food) drug administration shall inform the applicant and the interested party that it/he may, in accordance with
the laws, regulations, and other provisions of the State Food and Drug Administration, have the right to apply for a hearing. When
examining an application for medical device registration, the (food) drug administration shall announce to the public the major issues
for permission which it deems to be involved with public benefits, and shall hold a hearing.

Chapter V Re-registration of Medical Devices

Article 33

When the validity period of a medical device registration certificate has expired, and the manufacturing enterprise needs to continue
selling or using the medical devices, it shall, within 6 months prior to the expiry of the validity period of the medical device
registration certificate, apply for re-registration. If it fails to do so within the time limit, registration test on the products
shall be made at the time of re-registration.

Article 34

In the event of any change in the following contents on a medical device registration certificate, the manufacturing enterprise shall
apply for modification and re-registration within 30 days as of the change:


model and specifications;


address of production;


product standards;


product performance, structure and composition;


scope of application of the products.

Article 35

If, within the validity period of a medical device registration certificate, the category for administration of the product is changed,
the manufacturing enterprise shall, within 6 months, apply to the corresponding (food) drug administration for modification and re-registration
on the basis of the modified class.

Article 36

Whichever manufacturing enterprise applies for re-registration of medical devices shall fill out the medical device registration application
form, and shall, pursuant to the requirements in Appendix 4, Appendix 5 or Appendix 7 of these Measures, submit application documents
to the (food) drug administration.

The procedures for acceptance, examination and approval of applications for re-registration shall, in case of no relevant provisions
in this Chapter, be governed by the relevant provisions of Chapter IV of these Measures.

Article 37

Medical devices under any of the following circumstances shall not be re-registered:


The requirements proposed according to the relevant provisions of the State Food and Drug Administration by the (food) drug administration
at the time of approval of being put on market have not been fulfilled;


The medical devices are re-appraised by the State Food and Drug Administration to be eliminated;


The medical device registration certificate has been revoked in accordance with the “Regulations on the Supervision and Administration
of Medical Devices”.

Chapter VI Modification and Re-issuance of Medical Device Registration Certificates

Article 38

Where the contents of a medical device registration certificate has any of the following changes, the manufacturing enterprise shall,
within 30 days as of the occurrence of the change, apply for modification of the medical device registration certificate:


change of the name of the manufacturing enterprise, but without any change with the entity;


change of the registered address of the manufacturing enterprise;


literal change of the production address;


literal change of the product name or commodity name;


literal change of the model or specifications;


literal change of the post_title or code of the product standards;


change of the agent; or


change of the after-sale service office.

Article 39

Those manufacturing enterprises applying for the modification of a medical device registration certificate shall fill out the application
form for modification of the medical device registration certificate, and shall, pursuant to the requirements in Appendix 10 of these
Measures, submit the relevant documents and statements to the original registration and approval organ. The original registration
and approval organ shall carry out a formal examination on the application documents, inform once and for all either on site or within
5 working days the applicant of all the contents to be supplemented, and issue the “Notice on Accepting the Application” to the applicant
who meets the requirements.

Article 40

The original registration and approval organ shall, within 20 working days after accepting the application for modification, make
a written decision on whether to approve the modification or not. If the application is examined as qualified for modification, the
original registration and approval organ shall issue a modified medical device registration certificate, and write off the original
medical device registration certificate. If, however, the application is examined as unqualified, the original registration and approval
organ shall make a written decision on not approving the modification, state the reasons, and meanwhile inform the applicant of the
right to lawfully apply for administrative reconsideration or to bring an administrative lawsuit.

A modified medical device registration certificate shall have the original number as its number, followed by the word “modified” in

The expiry date of the validity period for a modified medical device registration certificate shall be the same as that for the original
medical device registration certificate. The enterprise concerned shall apply for re-registration at the expiry of the validity period.

Article 41

Where a medical device registration certificate is lost or damaged, the manufacturing enterprise shall, pursuant to the requirements
in Appendix 11 of these Measures, submit the relevant documents and statements, and apply to the original registration and approval
organ for re-issuance of the certificate.

Chapter VII Supervision and Administration

Article 42

The (food) drug administration responsible for examination and approval of medical device registration shall carry out examination
and grant approval pursuant to the prescribed procedures, and make a decision on whether to approve the registration or not. Any
(food) drug administration examining and approving the registration in violation of provisions shall be lawfully investigated for
administrative liabilities.

Article 43

Where a local (food) drug administration at the level of city divided into districts or above approves medical device registration
by violating these Measures, the (food) drug administration at the higher level shall order it to make a correction within a time
limit. If it fails to make a correction within the time limit, the (food) drug administration at the higher level may directly revoke
the medical device registration certificate by announcement. The medical devices whose medical device registration certificate has
been revoked may not be sold or used any longer. If they have been sold or used, they shall be treated by the enterprise under the
supervision of the local (food) drug administration at the county level or above.

Article 44

A (food) drug administration at the provincial level or above shall make technical re-appraisal on the medical devices on market,
and shall, on the basis of the result from technical appraisal, make a decision on revoking the medical device registration certificate
of the medical devices which cannot achieve the anticipated purpose of use and whose security and validity can not be guaranteed.
In addition, the said (food) drug administration shall announce the revocation to the public. The medical devices whose medical device
registration certificate has been revoked may not be sold or used any longer. If they have been sold or used, they shall be treated
by the enterprise under the supervision of the local (food) drug administration at the county level or above.

Article 45

In case of any of the circumstances in Article 70 of the “Administrative License Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the original
registration and approval organ shall lawfully write off the medical device registration certificate.

Chapter VIII Legal Liabilities

Article 46

If any enterprise tries to obtain a medical device registration cert


China Securities Regulatory Commission

Circular of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on Several Issues Concerning the Standardization on Overseas Listing of Subordinated
Enterprises of Domestically-Listed Companies

Zheng Jian Fa [2004] No.67

August 10, 2004

To various listed companies:

In accordance with the provisions of such laws, administrative regulations as the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the
Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Special Provisions of the State Council Concerning the Overseas Offering
and Listing of Shares by Joint Stock Limited Companies, related issues concerning the standardization on overseas listing of the
enterprises subordinated to domestically-listed companies (hereinafter referred to as “listed companies”) are hereby notified as


Overseas listing of the enterprises subordinated to listed companies as used herein shall refer to acts of subordinated enterprises
under the control of listed companies (hereinafter referred to as “subordinated enterprises”) to issue shares in a public offer on
overseas securities markets.


Listed companies shall meet the following requirements if their subordinated enterprises apply for overseas listing:


Listed companies have been profitable for the last consecutive three years.


Businesses and assets, into which listed companies’ issued shares and raised funds in the last three fiscal years were invested, shall
not be used as capital of the subordinated enterprises for the application for overseas listing.


Net profits of subordinated enterprises enjoyed by listed companies according to rights and interests in consolidated statements of
the last fiscal year shall not exceed 50% of net profits of such listed companies in consolidated statements;


Net assets of subordinated enterprises enjoyed by listed companies according to rights and interests in consolidated statements of
the last fiscal year shall not exceed 30% of net assets of such listed companies in consolidated statements;


No horizontal competition may exist between listed companies and their subordinated enterprises, their assets and financial affairs
shall be separated from each other and no cross appointment among management personnel may take place between them;


Shares of subordinated enterprises as held by directors, senior executives and affiliated persons of the listed companies and their
enterprises subordinated shall not exceed 10% of the total share capital before such subordinated enterprises are listed abroad;


Listed companies may not have the circumstance that their funds or assets are occupied by any individual, legal person or other organization
and affiliated person hereto which have de facto control, and there is no other major affiliated transaction that will injure the
companies’ rights and interests; and


Limited companies haven’t committed grave offenses in contravention of laws and regulations in the recent three years.


As to matters on the overseas listing of subordinated enterprises, listed companies shall, according to the requirements of this Circular,
make resolutions on the following items subject to laws:


The board of directors shall make resolutions on such matters as whether or not overseas listing of subordinated enterprises conform
to this Circular, overseas listing programs of subordinated enterprises, commitments made by listed companies to maintain their independent
listing status as well as explanations on the capacity to continue their profits and prospects of their continuous profits, and shall
report all of such matters to the shareholders’ general meeting for approval;


The shareholders’ general meeting shall item by item review and vote for the overseas listing programs of subordinated enterprises,
independent listing status maintained by listed companies, explanations on capacity for continuous profits and prospects of their
continuous profits as stated under proposals submitted by the board of directors; and


Where directors of listed companies and their senior executives arrange shareholding plans for subordinated enterprises, independent
directors shall solicit voting rights from shareholders of tradable shares (public shares) for the said arrangement, the resolution
of which shall be adopted with half or more of the voting rights held by shareholders of tradable shares (public shares) present
at the shareholder’s general meeting.


Listed companies shall appoint securities operating institutions, which were registered with the China Securities Regulatory Commission
and incorporated into a name list of sponsored institutions, to act as their financial advisors (hereinafter referred to as “financial
advisors”) in charge of the maintenance of the continuous listing status of such companies. Such financial advisors shall exercise
the following duties:


The financial advisor shall, according to this Circular, carry out an conscientiously investigation and verification in due diligence
on documents of application filed by the enterprises subordinated to listed companies for overseas listing, produce financial advisor
reports, undertake that there is no false recording, misrepresentation or important omission in listed companies’ application documents
with good reasons and firmly believe that listed companies will still hold independent and continuous listing status, and retain
persistently-operable core assets and business, after the enterprises subordinated to such listed companies are listed abroad;


Financial advisors shall, within the remaining days of the current year when subordinated enterprises are listed abroad and a full
fiscal year thereafter, ceaselessly supervise listed companies to maintain their listing status and shall undertake the following


to continuously focus on independent operating status and persistent operation capacity of the core assets and business of listed


in respect of changes in assets and financial status made by subordinated enterprises that have grave impacts on interests and benefits
of listed companies, as well as other important information affecting the share price of listed companies, to supervise such listed
companies to perform their obligations of disclosure subject to laws; and


within ten working days after the completion of continuous supervision, to report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and
stock exchanges the “Summary Report on Continued Listing”.


Listed companies shall, on the next day following the events below, perform their obligations of disclosure:


resolutions adopted by the board of directors and the shareholders’ general meeting in terms of the overseas listing of subordinated


acceptance of application filed by subordinated enterprises to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for overseas listing;


approved overseas issuance in an public offer of subordinated enterprises; and


listed companies shall timely disclose major events to domestic investors which are firstly disclosed by subordinated enterprises
to foreign investors and may cause abnormal fluctuations of share price. Listed companies shall, under items of significant events
in the annual report, explain business development of their subordinated enterprises.


Any financial advisor shall, by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of the Interim Measures for the Stock Issuance and Listing
Recommendation System, observe laws, administrative regulations, provisions stipulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission
as well as industry codes of practice, follow the principles of honesty and good faith in due diligence, conscientiously produce
related financial advisor reports, and continuously supervise listed companies to maintain their independent listing status. The
China Securities Regulatory Commission shall, in accordance with the Interim Measures for the Stock Issuance and Listing Recommendation
System, conduct supervision over the practice of financial advisors.


The enterprises subordinated to listed companies applying for overseas listing shall prepare and report application documents and
relevant materials according to the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which shall be responsible for granting
administrative licenses to the said subordinated enterprises for their application for overseas listing.


This Circular shall not apply to listed companies that simultaneously issue domestic listing of Chinese-oriented stocks and domestic
listing of foreign-oriented stocks

China Securities Regulatory Commission



The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress

Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China


Law of the People’s Republic of China on Promoting Clean Production has been adopted at the 28th meeting of the Standing Committee
of the Ninth National People’s Congress on June 29, 2002, and shall enter into force as of January 1, 2003.

Jiang Zemin, President of the People’s Republic of China

June 29, 2002

Law of the People’s Republic of China on Promoting Clean Production ContentsChapter I General Principles

Chapter II Promotion of Clean Production

Chapter III Implementation of Clean Production

Chapter IV Incentives

Chapter V Legal Liabilities

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Principles

Article 1

The present law has been enacted for the purpose of promoting clean production, raising the efficiency of utilizing resources, reducing
and avoiding the production of pollutants, protecting and improving the environment, ensuring the health of people, and promoting
the sustainable development of economy and society.

Article 2

The term “clean productions” as mentioned in the present law refers to reducing pollution from the source, raising the efficiency
of utilizing the resources, reducing or avoiding the production and emission of pollutants in the process of production, services
and using products by means of incessantly improving designs, using clean energy and raw materials, adopting advanced techniques,
technologies and equipments, improving management, making comprehensive utilizations, and other measures so as to alleviating or
eliminating the harm done to the health of the human being and the environment.

Article 3

The entities that are engaged in the activities of production and services and the departments in charge of relevant administration
within the territory of the people’s republic of China shall organize and carry out clean productions according to the provisions
of the present law.

Article 4

The state encourages and promotes clean production. The State Council and the local people’s governments on the county level and above
shall incorporate clean production into the programs of national economy and social development as well as the plans of environmental
protection, utilization of resources, industrial progress, and regional development, etc.

Article 5

The administrative department of economy and trade under the State Council shall be responsible for organizing and conciliating the
promotion of clean production within the whole country. The administrative departments of environmental protection, planning, science
and technology, agriculture, construction, water conservancy, and quality and technological supervision, etc. shall, according to
their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the promotion of clean production.

The people’s governments on the county level and above shall be responsible for the promotion of the clean production within their
respective administrative jurisdictions. The administrative department of economy and trade of the people’s governments on the county
level and above shall be responsible for organizing and conciliating the promotion of clean production within their respective administrative
jurisdictions. The administrative departments of the people’s governments on the county level and above in charge of environmental
protection, planning, science and technology, agriculture, construction, water conservancy, and quality and technological supervision,
etc. shall be responsible for the relevant promotion of clean production according to their specific functions and duties.

Article 6

The state encourages the scientific research, technological development and international cooperation concerning clean production,
organizes the publicity and popularization of knowledge about clean production, and promotes the application of the technologies
for clean production.

The state encourages social bodies and the general public to participate in the publicity, education, promotion, implementation and
supervision of clean production.

Chapter II Promotion of Clean Production

Article 7

The State Council shall formulate financial and taxation policies that can contribute to the implementation of clean production.

The State Council and the relevant administrative departments thereof as well as the people’s governments of the provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate industrial policies and policies regarding technological
development and application that can contribute to the implementation of clean production.

Article 8

The administrative department of economy and trade of the people’s governments on the county level and above shall, in collaboration
with the administrative departments of environmental protection, planning, science and technology, agriculture, construction, water
conservancy, etc., work out plans for the promotion of clean production.

Article 9

The people’s governments on the county level and above shall reasonably plan the economic distribution of their respective administrative
jurisdictions, readjust their industrial structures, develop recurrent economies, promote the cooperation of the enterprises in the
field of resources and the comprehensive utilization of wastes, etc. so as to achieve the efficient and recurrent utilization of

Article 10

The administrative departments of economy and trade, environmental protection, planning, science and technology, agriculture, etc.
of the State Council as well as the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall
organize and support the establishment of information systems of clean production and systems of technological consultation services
so as to provide to the general public the methods and technologies of clean production, information and services concerning the
demand and supply of reproducible wastes, and the policies concerning clean production, etc.

Article 11

The administrative department of economy and trade of the State Council publishes, in collaboration with other administrative department
of the State Council, catalogues regularly about the orientation of technologies, techniques, equipments and products of clean production.

The administrative departments of economy and trade of the State Council and the people’s governments of the provinces, autonomous
regions and the municipalities directly under the Central Government as well as the administrative departments of environmental protection,
agriculture, and construction, etc. organize the compilation of clean production guidelines and technical brochures about their respective
trade or region so as to guide the implementation of clean production.

Article 12

The production technologies, techniques, equipments and products that are lagged behind, wasting resources or seriously polluting
the environment shall be eliminated during prescribed time periods. The administrative departments of economy and trade of the State
Council, in collaboration with other relevant administrative departments of the State Council, formulates and publishes catalogues
of the production technologies, techniques, equipments and products to be eliminated within prescribed time periods.

Article 13

The relevant administrative departments of the State Council may, where it is necessary, approve the establishment of product labels
of saving energy, saving water, or recurrent utilization of wastes, and formulate corresponding standards according to the relevant
provisions of the state.

Article 14

The administrative departments of science and technology of the people’s governments on the county level and above as other relevant
administrative departments shall guide and support the research and development of clean production technologies and products that
can contribute to the protection of the environment and resources as well as the demonstration and popularization of clean production

Article 15

The administrative department of education of the State Council shall incorporate the courses of clean production technologies and
management into the system of higher education, vocational education and technological training.

The relevant administrative department of the people’s governments on the county level and above organize and conduct the publicity
and training of clean production so as to enhance the consciousness of the working staff of the state organs, the management personnel
of enterprises and the general public about clean production, and train management and technical people of clean production.

The entities of news and publication, broadcasting, movie and television, culture, etc. as well as other relevant social bodies shall
make good use of their respective advantages in the publicity of clean production.

Article 16

The people’s government at all levels shall take priority in purchasing the products that are conducive to the protection of the environment
and resources, including saving energy, saving water and making recurrent utiliztion of wastes, etc.

The people’s government at all levels shall encourage, by means of publicity and education and other measures, the general public
to buy and use the products that are conducive to the protection of the environment and resources, including saving energy, saving
water, and making recurrent utilization of wastes, etc.

Article 17

The administrative departments of environmental protection of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall lay emphasis on the supervision of the implementation of clean production. They may, according to the
demand of promoting clean production and according to the emission of pollutants by the enterprises, publish the names of the enterprises
whose emission of pollutants has surpassed the standards or whose total emission of pollutants has surpassed the prescribed limits
in the major mass media of the local places so as to provide a basis for the general public to supervise the implementation of clean
production by the enterprises.

Chapter III Implementation of Clean Production

Article 18

For the projects of new building, rebuilding and expanded building, appraisals shall be made with regard to the effects upon the environment,
analytical argumentations shall be made about the use of raw materials, consumption of resources, comprehensive utilization of resources,
and the generation and disposal of pollutants, etc., and priority shall be placed on the adoption of clean production technologies,
techniques and equipments that have high use rate of resources and generating few pollutants.

Article 19

Enterprises shall, in their technological renovations, adopt the following clean production measures:


Using the raw materials that are innocuous and harmless or slightly noxious and harmful to replace the raw materials that are seriously
noxious and harmful;


Using the techniques and equipments that have high use rate of resources and generate few pollutants to replace the techniques and
equipments that have low use rate of resources and generate plenty of pollutants;


Making comprehensive or recurrent use of the waste things, waste water, and waste heat, etc. produced in the process of production;


Using the pollution-preventing technologies that have come to the national or local standards about the emission of pollutants and
the indexes for controlling the total emission of pollutants.

Article 20

For the design of products and packages, the effects thereof upon the health of the human beings and the environment within their
life cycles shall be taken into consideration, and priority shall be placed on the schemes that are innocuous, harmless, easily degrading
and convenient for recurrent utilization.

Enterprises shall package their products in reasonable ways so as to reduce the excessive use of packaging materials and the generation
of packaging wastes.

Article 21

The enterprises that manufacture large electromechanical devices, powered vehicles and other products designated by the administrative
department of economy and trade of the State Council shall follow the technical specifications formulated by the administrative department
of standardization of the State Council or the institutions authorized thereby, and place a mark of standard of the material composition
on the key component parts of the products.

Article 22

Agricultural producers shall use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural films and feed additives in a scientific way and improve
their planting and cultivation techniques so as to achieve the goal of producing quality and harmless agricultural products, taking
the wastes of agricultural production as resources, and preventing agricultural environmental pollution.

It shall be prohibited to use noxious or harmful wastes as fertilizers or for creating farmlands.

Article 23

The service enterprises such as restaurants, entertainment, hotels, etc. shall use the technologies and equipments that are good for
saving energy, water and other environmental protection purposes, reduce or stop the use of consumer goods that waste resources or
polluting the environment.

Article 24

For construction projects, the construction designs and schemes, construction and decoration materials, construction component parts
and equipments used shall be good for the protection of the environment and resources.

The construction and decoration materials must conform to the national standards. It shall be prohibited to produce, sell and use
noxious or harmful construction and decoration materials that have surpassed the national standards.

Article 25

In the prospecting and mining of mineral resources, the methods and techniques that are good for reasonably using the resources, protecting
the environment and preventing pollution shall be used so as to improve the use of resources.

Article 26

The enterprises shall, where the economic and technological conditions thereof allow, make recurrent use of the waste things or waste
heat generated in the process of production and providing services by themselves or transfer them to other enterprises or individuals
that have the conditions for recurrent use.

Article 27

The enterprises that produce or sell those products or packages that are listed in the catalogues of obligatory reclaimation shall
reclaim the products and packages after they have been discarded as useless or have been used.

The catalogues and specific measures for the obligatory reclaimation of products and packages shall be formulated by the administrative
department of economy and trade of the State Council.

Article 28

Enterprises shall monitor the consumption of resources and the generation of wastes in the process of production and providing services,
and where it is necessary, shall carry out clean production checks over their production and services.

The enterprises whose emission of pollutants has surpassed the national or local standards or has surpassed the indexes for controlling
the total emission of pollutants as ratified by the relevant local people’s governments shall carry out clean production checks.

The enterprises that use noxious or harmful raw materials in their productions or emit noxious or harmful matters in the process of
production shall carry out regular clean production checks, and report the result of checks to the administrative departments of
environmental protection and the administrative departments of economy and trade of the local people’s governments where they are

The measures for the checks of clean production shall be formulated by the administrative department of economy and trade of the State
Council in collaboration with the administrative department of environmental protection of the State Council.

Article 29

The enterprises may, on the basis of coming up to the national and local standards for emitting pollutants, enter into agreements
with the competent administrative departments of economy and trade and the administrative departments of environmental protection
for further saving resources and reducing the emission of pollutants. The administrative departments of economy and trade and the
administrative departments of environmental protection concerned shall publish the names of the enterprises concerned and the achievements
of saving resources and preventing and controlling pollutions in the major mass media of the local places.

Article 30

The enterprises may, on the basis of willingness, apply, according to the provisions of the state concerning the authentication of
environmental management system, to the authentication institutions authorized by the authentication ratification and supervision
authorities of the state for authentication so as to improve their clean production by way of the authentication of the environmental
management system.

Article 31

The enterprises which have been included in the list of seriously polluting enterprises shall, according to the provisions of Article
17 of the present law, publish their emission of major pollutants according to the provisions of the administrative department of
environmental protection of the State Council and accept the supervision of the general public.

Chapter IV Incentives

Article 32

The system of commending and rewarding clean productions shall be established by the state. The entities and individuals that have
made outstanding achievements in the work of clean productions shall be commended and rewarded by the people’s government.

Article 33

The research, demonstration and training projects of clean production, the key national technological renovation projects for implementing
clean production as well as the technological renovation projects that have been specified in the agreements for voluntarily reducing
the emission of pollutants concluded according to the provisions of Article 29 of the present law shall be incorporated into the
scope of support with special funds for technological progress arranged by the public fiscal departments of the State Council or
the people’s government on the county level or above.

Article 34

Appropriate sums of money shall be taken from the funds established according to the provisions of the state for the development of
medium-sized and small enterprises for supporting the medium-sized and small enterprises to implement clean production according
to their actual needs.

Article 35

The enterprises that make products with wastes or reclaim raw materials from wastes shall enjoy the preferential treatment of VAT
reductions or exemptions by the taxation authorities according to the relevant provisions of the state.

Article 36

The expenses of the enterprises for the check and training of clean productions may be taken as operational costs of the enterprises.

Chapter V Legal Liabilities

Article 37

Any one who violates the provisions of Article 21 of the present law by failing to marking the material composition of the products
or failing to mark truthfully shall be ordered by the administrative department of quality and technological supervision of the people’s
government on the county level or above to mend up within a prescribed time period. If it refuses to mend up, it shall be imposed
upon a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan.

Article 38

Any one who violates the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 24 of the present law by producing or selling noxious or harmful construction
or decoration materials that surpass the national standards shall be subject to administrative, civil or criminal liabilities according
to the product quality law and other civil and criminal statutory provisions.

Article 39

Any one who violates the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the present law by failing to perform its duty of reclaiming
its products or packages shall be ordered by the administrative department of economy and trade of the local people’s government
on the county level or above to mend up within a prescribed time period. If it refuses to mend up, it shall be imposed upon a fine
of not more than 100,000 yuan.

Article 40

Any one who violates the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 28 of the present law by failing to implementing clean production checks
or, though has implemented clean production checks, failing to report truthfully the result of checks shall be ordered by the administrative
department of environmental protection of the local people’s government on the county level or above to mend up within a prescribed
time period. If it refuses to mend up, it shall be imposed upon a fine of not more than 100,000 yuan.

Article 41

In case any one violates the provisions of Article 31 by failing to publish or failing to publish according to the prescribed requirements
its emission of pollutants, the emission of pollutants thereby shall be published by the administrative department of environmental
protection of the local people’s government on the county level or above, and it may be imposed upon a fine of not more than 100,000

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 42

The present law shall enter into force as of January 1, 2003.

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress



Announcement of Open Market Operations

[2004] No. 9

Circular concerning the Change of the List Time of the Bank Notes of the Central Bank

With a view to enhancing the fluidity of the bank notes of the Central Bank, it is hereby decided, as of August 4, 2004, that the
time for the bank notes of the Central Bank to be listed and circulated in the inter-bank securities market and to be the tools of
open market operations of the People’s Bank of China is changed into the “T+1”, namely, the second working day as of the date of
issue (Wednesday).

The Operation Office of Open Market Operations of the People’s Bank of China

The People’s Bank of China

July 28, 2004

The People’s Bank of China



Ministry of Agriculture

Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China


The Measures for the Administration of the Safety and Health of the Feed Products from Animal Sources, examined and adopted at the
25th executive meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture on July 14th, 2004, are hereby promulgated and shall be implemented as of October
1st, 2004.

Du Qinglin, Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture

August 2nd, 2004

Measures for the Administration of the Safety and Health of the Feed Products from Animal Sources

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

With a view to strengthening the administration of the safety and health of the feed products from animal sources, the present Measures
are enacted in accordance with the Regulation on the Administration of Feed and Feed Additives.

Article 2

The Ministry of Agriculture shall be responsible for the administration of the safety and health of the feed products from animal
sources of the whole country.

The feed administration departments of local people’s governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the administration
of the safety and health of the feed products from animal sources within their own administrative areas.

Article 3

The feed product from animal sources as mentioned in the present Measures refers to the single feed which takes the animals or byproducts
of animals as raw materials and is processed and manufactured through industrialization.

The catalogue of the feed products from animal sources shall be promulgated by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Chapter II Examination and Approval of the Establishment of Enterprises

Article 4

To establish a production enterprise of feed products from animal sources, one shall apply to the feed administrative department of
the people’s government at the provincial level where the enterprise is to be established. One can handle the enterprise registration
formalities only after being examined as eligible and obtaining the Certificate of Quality of Safety and Health of the Production
Enterprise of the Feed Products from Animal Sources.

Article 5

When establishing the production enterprise of feed products from animal sources, one shall possess the following conditions:


Factory building and facilities


The factory building shall not be in a bad condition, and the factory building and the attached facilities shall be easy for cleaning
and disinfection;


Relevant equipment for preventing flies, mice, birds and dust and relevant storage facilities; and


Relevant dressing rooms, toilets, and washing grooves.


Production technology and equipment


The production technology and equipment shall fulfill the requirements of safety and health and quality standards of the products;


Relevant facilities for washing, disinfection, drying and grinding.




The persons in charge of techniques shall have an educational background of junior college or higher or a middle-level technical post_title
or higher, be familiar with the production technology and have engaged in the corresponding professional work for more than two years;


The persons in charge of quality control and the persons in charge of quality testing organ shall have an educational background of
junior college or higher or a middle-level technical post_title or higher and have engaged in the corresponding professional work for
more than three years; and


The employees of special types of work shall have the corresponding professional certificates.


Quality testing organ and equipment


establishment of the quality-testing organ;


establishment of the instrument room (section), checking and manipulation room (section) and room (section) for keeping samples and
observing; and


the basic equipment needed for the quality testing.


Production circumstances


The place of the enterprise shall be far from the feeding field of animals, with the minimum distance of 1,000 meters. In case the
enterprise is close to the slaughterhouse, the indispensable isolation measures shall be needed;


No animal may be fed within the factory;


The layout of production factory shall be reasonable, the areas for sorting out the raw materials, production and processing, preserving
the finished products shall be separated, and the finished products and raw materials must be stored separately to prevent cross


Measures against pollution

The system for collecting and disposing of the waste and the equipment for preventing and eliminating pollution shall be complete,
and the discharge thereof shall fulfill the requirements for protection of the environment.

Article 6

To apply for establishing the production enterprises of feed products from animal sources, one shall fill in and submit the Written
Application for Producing the Feed Products from Animal Sources and offer the pertinent materials in conformity with the conditions
stipulated in Article 5 .

The Written Application for Producing the Feed Products from Animal Sources can be got, free of charge, from the feed administrative
department of the people’s government at the provincial level where the enterprise is located or downloaded at the website of chinafeed￿￿website:

Article 7

After receiving the Written Application for Producing the Feed Products from Animal Sources and the related materials, the feed administrative
department of people’s government at the provincial level shall finish examining and verifying the materials of the enterprise within
fifteen working days and submit them to the panel of appraisal for examination and appraisal, and it shall make the examination decision
within five working days after receiving the appraisal opinions. When it decides not to approve the issuance, it shall notify the
applicant in writing and explain the reasons.

In case the application materials are not complete or not in conformity with the prescribed conditions, the applicant shall be notified
just once of the complete contents that should be supplemented and corrected within five working days.The form of Certificate of
Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources shall be worked out by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Article 8

The panel of appraisal shall be composed of three to five appraisers and technology experts. The appraisers shall be trained to be
eligible by the Ministry of Agriculture.

The panel of appraisal shall carry out on-spot inspections on the production conditions of the applicant.

Chapter III Production Management

Article 9

The enterprise shall establish the following systems:


system of post responsibility;


system of production management


system of checking and testing;


system of standards and quality guarantee;


system of safety and health;


system of keeping products’ samples for observing; and


system of measurement management.


The management of the raw materials of the enterprise shall fulfill the following requirements:


The purchase and getting-out of warehouse of raw materials shall be completely recorded, and the records shall be kept for two years
at least. No decayed, contaminated animal materials and the animal materials from the animal epidemic-stricken areas may be purchased;


The raw materials shall be piled up in light of the categories and be marked definitely; and the qualified and disqualified materials,
materials from the mammals and from other animals shall be guaranteed to be separated. No material may be placed outdoors; and


The use of raw materials shall follow the principle of ￿￿first in, first out￿￿. They shall be filtrated before the use, and the disqualified
shall be removed and made harmless.

Article 11

The management of production process of the enterprise shall fulfill the following requirements:


No unnecessary equipment and goods may be piled up within the plant, for fear of propagation of the harmful organism;


The equipment and instruments for manufacturing, packaging, storing and transporting shall be cleaned and disinfected periodically;


Before using the same equipment for producing different feed products from animal sources, the equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned
for fear of the cross contamination;


The operating personnel shall possess the health certificate, and the personnel of the special task shall have a physical examination
every half a year;


The production shall be conducted in strict conformity with the production technological process; and


The production record, including the categories and quantity of materials, the production date, the quantity of the products and the
conditions of the production technology, shall be made and kept for two years at least.

Article 12

The management of finished products of the enterprise shall fulfill the following requirements:


The finished products shall be checked as eligibility, and the inspection record and report shall be made. The inspection items shall
include the total number of bacteria, colon bacillus, salmonella, heavy metal, bacteria of special cause of disease and other indexes
of safety and health;


In case the finished products are contaminated by the harmful and poisonous substances or the quality of the finished products is
destroyed due to other reasons, they shall be destroyed immediately, and the reasons thereof shall be found out and a record shall
be made; and


The finished products shall be piled up in accordance with the categories to prevent wrong and mixed loading.

Article 13

The package of the products shall not be broken and damaged and be attached by the definite and eye-catching signs and labels.

If the package is in need of being used again, it shall be cleaned, washed and sterilized.

Article 14

The label of products shall accord with the standards of the national feed labels and indicate the names of the animal sources and
the serial number of the Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources.

With the exception of milk and diary products, the feed products from animal sources shall be indicated with the words of ￿￿this product
may not be fed to the ruminants￿￿ on the label in addition.

Chapter IV Management of Operation, Import and Use

Article 15

Where a products operator purchases the feed products from animal sources, he shall check the label and quality certificate of the

No feed product from animal sources, whose business label is not in accordance with the prescription of Article 14 of the present
Measures, may be dealt in.

Article 16

One should obtain the registration certificate for importing products in conformity with the prescription of the Administrative Measures
for the Registration of Imported Feed and Feed Additives for importing the feed products from animal sources.

No feed products from animal sources from the countries (regions) stricken with animals’ plague may be imported.No feed products from
animal sources, which are transited through the third country (region) from the countries and regions stricken with animals’ plague,
may be imported.

Article 17

In terms of the feed products from animal sources which have been given the registration certificate of products, the registration
certificate of products shall become invalid as of the prohibition day, once the Ministry of Agriculture announces their prohibition.
The enterprises that have obtained the certificate shall return the registration certificate of products to the Ministry of Agriculture,
and the Ministry of Agriculture shall cancel them and make a notice.

In terms of the feed products from animal sources whose import has been announced to be suspended by the Ministry of Agriculture,
the registration certificates of products thereof shall cease to be used within the suspension period.

Article 18

No feed product from animal sources may be used in the feed of the ruminants apart from milk and diary products.

Article 19

No imported feed product from animal sources without the registration certificate of products may be dealt in and used. No feed products
from animal sources without the Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources may be dealt
in and used.

Chapter V Supervision and Inspection

Article 20

The production enterprise shall fill in the record-keeping form of the conditions of production and operation and submit it to the
feed administrative department of the people’s government at the provincial level for the record-keeping purpose.

The record-keeping form shall be offered, free of charge, by the feed administrative department of the people’s government at the
provincial level, and the enterprises also can download it at the website of chinafeed (website: http￿￿//www.chinafeed.org.cn ).

The Ministry of Agriculture shall carry out supervisions over the record-keeping work aperiodically.

Article 21

The feed administrative department of the local people’s government at the county level or above shall carry out the on-spot inspection
to the production enterprise of feed products from animal sources aperiodically, but it may not disturb the normal business activities
of the enterprises, neither seek for or accept money or goods, and nor seek for other interests.

Article 22

During the periods of putting-on-record and carrying out the on-spot inspection, where the feed administrative department of the local
people’s government at the county level or above finds that the production conditions of the production enterprise of the feed products
from animal sources have experienced great changes, or that the production enterprise has serious hidden danger of safety and health
or safety problem of products’ quality, or has other circumstances contrary to the present Measures, it shall conduct the investigation
according to the law and in time make the decision on how to handle them.

Article 23

The feed administrative department of the people’s government at the provincial level shall take back and cancel the Certificate of
Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources and make an announcement, in case the production enterprise
is under any of the following circumstances:


The fundamental conditions have undergone relatively great changes, and it hasn’t possessed the basic production and sanitary conditions


It has stopped production for more than two years;


It has gone bankrupt or has been merged;


It doesn’t notify the competent department when it changes the place of plant;


It buys, sells, transfers, leases or lends the Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources;


It hasn’t submitted the record-keeping materials for two consecutive years, and refuses to correct after being supervised and urged.

Chapter VI Penalty Provisions

Article 24

Where anyone obtains the Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources through such illicit
means as deceiving or giving the bribery, the feed administrative department of the people’s government at the provincial level shall
cancel the Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources and make a public notice, and it
shall not accept any application put forward by this applicant within three years.

Article 25

Where anyone buys, sells, transfers, leases or lends the Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal
Sources, he/it shall be imposed upon a fine of within three times the illegal proceeds if there are illegal proceeds, with the highest
fine of not more than 30,000 yuan. In case there are no illegal proceeds, he/it shall be fined not more than 10,000 yuan.

Article 26

Where anyone manufactures the feed products from animal sources without obtaining, or by counterfeiting or forging the Certificate
of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources, he/it shall be imposed upon a fine within three times the
illegal proceeds if there are illegal proceeds, with the highest fine of not more than 30,000 yuan. In case there are no illegal
proceeds, he/it shall be fined not more than 10,000 yuan.

Article 27

Whoever violates the prescription of Article 10 , Article 11 , and Article 12 shall be warned and ordered to correct within a time
limit. Anyone who doesn’t correct within a time limit or commits the same illegal conducts again shall be fined 1,000 yuan up to
10,000 yuan.

Article 28

Whoever deals in and uses the feed products from animal sources without obtaining the Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health
of Feed Products from Animal Sources shall be ordered to rectify. Where there are illegal proceeds, he/it shall be imposed upon a
fine of twice the illegal proceeds but with the highest fine of not more than 30,000 yuan. In case there are no illegal proceeds,
he/it shall be fined not more than 10,000 yuan.

Article 29

Other violations of the present Measures shall be punished according to the pertinent prescriptions of the Measures for the Administration
of Feed and Feed Additives.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 30

Any enterprise of feed products from animal sources established before the implementation of the present Measures shall obtain the
Certificate of Quality of the Safety and Health of Feed Products from Animal Sources within six months as of the date of the implementation
of the present Measures.

Article 31

The present Measures shall be implemented as of October 1st, 2004.

Attachment:Catalogue of the Feed Products from Animal Sources


meat meal (livestock and poultry), flesh bone dust (livestock and poultry)


fish flour, fish oil, fish ointment, prawn flour, squid liver flour, squid flour, cuttlefish ointment, cuttlefish flour, fish concentrated
flour, dried scallop concentrated flour


blood meal, plasma meal, blood cell meal, blood corpuscle meal, serum meal, fermented blood meal


dust of leftover bits and pieces of animals, feather dust, hydrolyzed feather dust, hydrolyzed hair protein dust, leather protein
dust, hoof dust, horn dust, chicken giblets dust, intestinal mucosa protein meal, gelatin


whey powder, milk powder, chocolate milk powder, egg powder


silkworm chrysalis, maggot, stewed worm egg


bone dust, bone ash, boneblack, bony calcium phosphate, prawn shell dust, egg shell dust, bone glue


animal oil residue, animal fat, feed mixed oil

Ministry of Agriculture



Ministry of Commerce

Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce

[2004] No. 38

August 3rd, 2004

Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement on December 17, 2003 according to Anti-dumping Regulations of the People’s Republic of
China, starting an anti-dumping investigation on imported Hydrazine hydrate originated in Japan, ROK, USA and France.

Ministry of Commerce made original arbitration according to the investigation that dumping of the imported Hydrazine hydrate originated
in above countries exists, Hydrazine hydrate industry in China has been injured and there is a causal relationship between dumping
and the injury.

In accordance with Article 28 and 29 of Anti-dumping Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Commerce decided
to take temporary anti-dumping measures by levying cash deposit. As of August 3, 2004, the import dealers should pay cash deposit
to General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China when they import the investigated product originated in above

The tariff number of the investigated product is 28251010 in Customs Import-Export Tariffs 2003 and 2004.

The rate of cash deposit levied from each company is as follows:

Japanese Companies:108%

The companies of ROK


KOC Co., Ltd.: 28%


All others: 35%

The companies of USA: 184%

The companies of France


ATOFINA S.A.: 118%


All others: 120%

The interested parties may submit written comments with enclosed related evidence to the Ministry of Commerce within 20 days as of
the day when the announcement is issued. Ministry of Commerce will consider it according to laws.

Ministry of Commerce



State Administration of Taxation

Reply of the State Administration of Taxation on Issues concerning the Application of Preferential Tax Policy by Foreign-funded Enterprises
for Their Undertaking of Taxi Business and Other Passenger Transportation Businesses

GuoShuiHan[2004] No. 945

August 3rd, 2004

The Administration of State Taxes of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region:

Your Request for Instructions on the Nanning KangFu Communications Limited Company’ Request for Enjoying Preferential Income Tax Policy
on the Development of Western Areas (No.143 [2003] of the Guangxi Administration of State Taxes) and the Request for Instructions
on Issues regarding the Nanning White Horse Public Traffic Limited Company’s Application for Enjoying Preferential Tax Policy on
the Development of Western Areas (No.130 [2003] of the Guangxi Administration of State Tax) have been received, we hereby make the
following reply:

The “communications and transportation industry” that enjoys the treatment of a production-oriented foreign-funded enterprise as stipulated
in Item (8) of Article 72 of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China on
Foreign-funded Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Tax Law)
shall not include the foreign-funded enterprises engaging in the passenger transportation business; the “traffic enterprises” newly
established in the western areas, which enjoy the exemption of enterprise income tax for two years and collection of half the rate
for three more consecutive years as stipulated in Item (2) of Article 3 of the Notice of the State Council on the Implementation
of Several Policies and Measures for the Development of Western Areas (No.33 [2000] of the State Council) shall refer to the enterprises
engaging in the investment and construction of such traffic infrastructure as roads and bridges. Therefore, the Nanning KangFu Traffic
Limited Company and the Nanning White Horse Public Traffic Limited Company that engage in the taxi business and urban public passenger
transportation business do not fall within the scope of application of the aforesaid preferential enterprise income tax. Please dispose
the issue by referring to other relevant tax provisions.

State Administration of Taxation



State Food and Drug Administration

Order of the State Food and Drug Administration


The Measures for the Supervision over and Administration of Pharmaceutical Production, deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting
of the State Food and Drug Administration on May 28th 2004, is hereby promulgated, and shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation.

Zheng Xiaoyu, Director General of the State Food and Drug Administration

August 5th, 2004

Measures for the Supervision over and Administration of Pharmaceutical Production

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

With a view to strengthening the supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production, the present Measures are formulated
pursuant to the Pharmaceutical Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulation on the Implementation of the Pharmaceutical
Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Pharmaceutical Administration Law, Regulation
on the Implementation of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law).

Article 2

The supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production shall refer to the activities of the food and drug supervision
and administration departments who make examination, licensing, supervision and inspection on pharmaceutical production conditions
and process and other administrative activities.

Article 3

The State Food and Drug Administration shall be in charge of the work of supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production
nationwide. The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities
directly under the Central Government are responsible for the supervision over and administration of pharmaceutical production within
their own administrative regions.

Chapter II Application for and Examination and Approval of Launching Pharmaceutical Production Enterprises

Article 4

When launching a pharmaceutical production enterprise, the following conditions shall also be satisfied in addition to meeting the
pharmaceutical industry development plan and industrial policies of the state:


Having technicians in pharmacology, engineers and technicians and corresponding technical workers whose qualifications have been certified;
and the legal representative or responsible person of the enterprise and the person in charge of quality having no circumstances
as stipulated in Article 76 of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law;


Having workshops, facilities and sanitation environment fitting in with pharmaceutical production;


Having institutions, personnel that are able to make quality control of and inspection on the pharmaceuticals produced, and necessary
apparatus and equipment; and


Having regulations that can ensure the pharmaceutical quality.

Where the relevant state laws and regulations have different provisions on the production of narcotic pharmaceuticals, psychotropic
pharmaceuticals, toxic pharmaceuticals for medical treatment use, radioactive pharmaceuticals, precursor chemicals of the pharmaceutical
category, etc., those provisions shall apply.

Article 5

Any applicant, who intends to launch a pharmaceutical production enterprise, shall file an application to the food and drug supervision
and administration department of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government at his/its
locality, and submit the following documents:


Basic information of the applicant and the pertinent certificate documents;


Basic conditions of the enterprise to be launched, including the name of the enterprise to be launched, varieties of production, type
of medicament, equipment, technics and throughput; statements on the site of the enterprise, environment around the sites, and infrastructures,
etc., as well as the statements on investment scale and other conditions;


Notice of pre-approval on the name of the enterprise to be launched issued by the department of industry and commerce administration,
production address and registration address, type of the enterprise, legal representative or responsible person of the enterprise;


Plan of the organizations of the enterprise to be launched (indicating the functions of each sector and their correlations, responsible
person of each sector);


Resumes, educational backgrounds and post_title certificates of the legal representative, responsible person of the enterprise to be launched
and the responsible person of each sector of the enterprise; registration form for the technicians of pharmacology and relevant professionals,
engineers and technicians, technical workers whose qualifications have been certified ipso jure with the indication of the sectors
and posts they are in; the proportion statement of the senior, medium and preliminary technicians;


The map for the environment around the enterprise to be launched, general plane figure, storage plane figure, plane figure of quality
inspection place;


Plan for the arrangement of production technics of the enterprise (including dressing room, water closet, passage for stream of people
and material circulation, and air brake, etc., and indicating the flowing direction of the people and materials and the grade of
air cleanliness factor), plan of the blow, return and ventilation of air cleansing system, and the plan for arrangement of technics
and equipment;


The scope, type of medicament, varieties, quality standard and basis of the pharmaceuticals to be produced;


The technical flow chart of the type of medicament and varieties of pharmaceuticals to be produced, with the major quality reference
points and items indicated;


General situation on the validation of air cleansing system, water treatment system and the major equipment; conditions of checkout
of the production and inspection apparatus, instruments, and weighing apparatus;


Lists of major production equipment and inspection apparatus; and


Contents of documents on the production management and quality control of the enterprise to be launched.

The applicant shall be responsible for the truthfulness of all the contents of the application documents.

Article 6

Where a pharmaceutical production enterprise divides part of the production workshops and forms an independent pharmaceutical production
enterprise, it shall handle the Pharmaceutical Production License in conformity with the provisions of Articles 4 and 5 of the present

Article 7

The food and drug supervision and administration departments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall, after receiving the application, make handling in accordance with the following circumstances respectively:


Where the matters applied for do not fall within the scope of functions and powers of the corresponding department ipso jure, the
department shall make decision on not accepting it, and notify the applicant to apply to the relevant administrative department;


Where the application documents have mistakes that can be corrected on the spot, the applicant shall be allowed to correct on the


Where the application documents are incomplete or do not comply with the requirements for the examination on the format, the department
shall issue the Notice on Supplementing and Correcting the Documents to the applicant on the spot or within 5 workdays, and notify
the applicant of all the contents to be supplemented and corrected. If it fails to notify within the time limit, the date of acceptance
shall be the date when the department has received the application documents; and


If the application documents are complete and comply with the examination requirements, or the applicant has submitted all the supplementary
documents as required, the application shall be accepted.

Where any food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly
under the Central Government accepts or does not accept the application for the establishment of the pharmaceutical production enterprise,
it shall issue a Notice of Acceptance or Notice of Not Acceptance, which is sealed by the special seal of the corresponding department
and indicated with the date thereof.

Article 8

The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall make a decision within 30 workdays after the application is accepted.

If the application fulfills the requirements after examination, the department shall grant approval, and verify and issue the Pharmaceutical
Production License within 10 workdays as of the date when the decision on written approval has been made. If the application does
not fulfill the requirements, the department shall make a written decision on not approval, and explain the reasons, meanwhile notify
the applicant of his right to apply for administrative reconsideration or institute an administrative proceeding ipso jure.

Article 9

In case of launching a new pharmaceutical production enterprise, or a pharmaceutical production enterprise builds a new pharmaceutical
production workshop or newly adds production form of prepared pharmaceuticals, the enterprise shall file an application for certification
of Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions to the corresponding food and drug supervision and administration department
in accordance with the provisions of the State Food and Drug Administration within 30 days as of the date of obtaining pharmaceutical
production certificate documents or as of the date when it is approved to make production officially.

Article 10

The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall make a public notice on the website or at the office place of the administrative department on the conditions,
procedures and time limit for applying for the Pharmaceutical Production License, the whole documents to be submitted and the model
text of the application letter, etc.

The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall open the relevant information on the issuance of Pharmaceutical Production License. The general public
shall be enpost_titled to consult.

Article 11

The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall make an announcement on the process and result of examination and approval when making examination on
the application of the pharmaceutical production enterprise. The applicant and the interested parties may submit written opinions
to make statements and defense on the matters directly pertaining to their major interests.

Article 12

Where the application for the establishment of any pharmaceutical production enterprise directly involves major interest relations
between the applicant and others, the food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions,
and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall notify the applicant and the interested parties that they may enjoy
the right to apply for hearing pursuant to laws and regulations and other provisions of State Food and Drug Administration. When
making examination on the application for establishment of pharmaceutical production enterprises, the food and drug supervision and
administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall make
an announcement to the society on the major licensing matters concerning the public interests, and hold hearings.

Chapter III Administration on Pharmaceutical Production License

Article 13

The Pharmaceutical Production License shall have the original copy and the duplicate, the duplicate shall possess the same legal effect
as the original one, and the period of validity shall be five years.

The Pharmaceutical Production License shall be printed exclusively by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Article 14

The Pharmaceutical Production License shall bear the serial number of the License, name of the enterprise, legal representative, enterprise
type, registration address, production address, production scope, license issuing organ, date for license issuance, period of validity,
and other items, etc.. Among them the licensing matters that are subject to the approval of the food and drug supervision and administration
department shall be: responsible person of the enterprise, scope of production, and production address.

Such items as the name of the enterprise, legal representative, registration address, and enterprise type shall conform to the relevant
contents as specified in the business license issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce.The name of an enterprise
shall follow the principle of classified administration of pharmaceutical production enterprises. The production address shall be
filled in according to the actual pharmaceutical production address. The serial number of the License and the production scope shall
be filled in according to the methods and classes as stipulated by the State Food and Drug Administration.

Article 15

The alteration of Pharmaceutical Production License shall cover the alteration of the licensing matters and alteration of registration

The alteration of licensing matters shall refer to the alteration of the responsible person of the enterprise, production scope and
production address.

The alteration of the registration matters shall refer to the alteration of the matters as listed in paragraph 2 of Article 14 of
the present Measures.

Article 16

Where a pharmaceutical production enterprise alters the licensing matters in the Pharmaceutical Production License, it shall file
an alteration application to the original license issuing organ 30 days prior to the occurrence of alteration of the original licensing
matters. No enterprise may alter the licensing matters at will without authorization.

The original license-issuing organ shall make a decision on whether to approve the alteration or not within 15 workdays as of the
date when the application for alteration of an enterprise is received. If it does not grant the alteration, it shall explain the
reason in writing, and notify the applicant of his/its rights to apply for administrative reconsideration or to institute an administrative
proceeding ipso jure.

In case of alteration of production scope or production address, a pharmaceutical production enterprise shall submit the relevant
documents pertaining to the contents of alteration as stipulated in Article 5 of the present Measures, and report to the food and
drug supervision and administration department of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government
at its locality for examination and determination.

After a pharmaceutical production enterprise has gone through formalities for alteration of licensing matters in the Pharmaceutical
Production License, it shall handle formalities for the alteration of the enterprise registration to the administrative department
for industry and commerce in time.

Article 17

Where a pharmaceutical production enterprise alters the registration matters in the Pharmaceutical Production License, it shall apply
for alteration registration on Pharmaceutical Production License to the original license issuing organ within 30 days after the alteration
is approved by the administrative department for industry and commerce.

Article 18

After the alteration of the Pharmaceutical Production License, the original license issuing organ shall record the contents and time
of alteration on the duplicate of the Pharmaceutical Production License, and reissue the original copy of the Pharmaceutical Production
License in accordance with the contents altered, and take back the former original copy of the Pharmaceutical Production License.
The period of validity of the Pharmaceutical Production License shall remain unchanged.

Article 19

Where the period of validity of the Pharmaceutical Production License expires and it is necessary to continue to produce pharmaceuticals,
the pharmaceutical production enterprise shall file an application for changing of the Pharmaceutical Production License to the original
license issuing organ 6 months prior to the expiry of the period of validity.

The original license issuing organ shall, in combination with the situations of the enterprises on their observance of laws and regulations,
and the Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions and operation of quality system, make examination on the procedures
and requirements for the establishment of pharmaceutical production enterprises as prescribed by the present Measures, and make decision
on whether to grant the change of the Pharmaceutical Production License or not before the expiry of the period of validity. In case
the requirements are fulfilled and the change of license is granted, the original license shall be taken back, and a new license
shall be issued. If the requirements are not fulfilled, the organ shall make a decision in writing on not granting the change of
license, and explain the reason, meanwhile, notify the applicant of his/its rights to file application for administrative reconsideration
or constitute an administrative proceeding ipso jure. In case the organ fails to make decision within the prescribed time limit,
it shall be deemed as agreeing to the change of license, and go through the corresponding due formalities.

Article 20

Where a pharmaceutical production enterprise terminates pharmaceutical production or is closed, the original license issuing organ
shall revoke its Pharmaceutical Production License, and notify the administrative department for industry and commerce.

Article 21

Where the Pharmaceutical Production License is lost, the pharmaceutical production enterprise shall file an application to the original
license issuing organ for reissue, and publish a lost license statement in the media designated by the original license issuing organ,
who shall then reissue the Pharmaceutical Production License within 10 workdays in accordance with the original approval matters
at the date when the enterprise has published the loss license statement for one full month.

Article 22

No entity or individual may forge, alter, sell or purchase, lease, or lend Pharmaceutical Production License.

Article 23

The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall report to and put on archives the issuance, change, alteration, reissue, revocation, withdrawal and
capture, writing off of the Pharmaceutical Production License to the State Food and Drug Administration within 20 workdays after
completing the work for the handling them.

Chapter IV Administration on Production of Pharmaceuticals by Entrustment

Article 24

The entrusting party of pharmaceutical production by entrustment shall be the pharmaceutical production enterprise that has obtained
the registered number of approval for the pharmaceutical.

Article 25

The entrusted party of pharmaceutical production by entrustment shall be the pharmaceutical production enterprise that has the certification
certificate of Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions corresponding with the production conditions of such pharmaceuticals.

Article 26

The entrusting party shall be responsible for the quality and sale of the pharmaceuticals produced through entrustment. The entrusting
party shall make scrutiny on the production conditions, production technical level and quality control status of the entrusted party,
and shall provide the technology and quality documents to the entrusted party on pharmaceuticals produced through entrustment, and
make guidance to and supervision over the whole process of production.

The entrusted party shall make production in accordance with the Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions and keep all
the documents and records on the production through entrustment as required.

Article 27

The two parties of pharmaceutical production through entrustment shall sign a contract. The contents of the contract shall include
the rights and obligations of both parties, and stipulate the rights and obligations of the two parties in the technology, quality
control and other aspects of the pharmaceutical production through entrustment, and shall abide by the relevant pharmaceutical administrative
laws and regulations of the state.

Article 28

The application for the production of injections, biological products (with an exception of bacterin products, and blood products)
and for the trans-province, trans-autonomous region, and trans-municipality pharmaceuticals production through entrustment shall
be accepted and subject to the examination and approval of the State Food and Drug Administration.

The bacterin products, blood products and other pharmaceuticals as provided for by the State Food and Drug Administration may not
be produced through entrustment.

The production of narcotic pharmaceuticals, psychotropic pharmaceuticals, toxic pharmaceuticals for medical treatment use, radioactive
pharmaceuticals, precursor chemicals of the pharmaceutical category through entrustment shall be conducted according to the relevant
laws and regulations.

Article 29

The application for the production through entrustment of other pharmaceuticals which are not included in Article 28 of the present
Measures shall be accepted by and subject to the examination and approval of the food and drug supervision and administrative department
of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government at the locality of both parties of
the production through entrustment.

Article 30

Where a pharmaceutical is produced through entrustment, the entrusting party shall file an application to the State Food and Drug
Administration or the food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities
directly under the Central Government, and submit the application documents as stipulated in Article 34 of the present Measures.
The food and drug supervision and administration department shall accept it by referring to the provisions of Article 7 of the present

Article 31

The food and drug supervision and administration department that accepts the application shall, within 20 workdays as of the date
of accepting the application, make examination on the application for pharmaceutical production through entrustment in conformity
with the conditions as prescribed by the present Chapter, and make decisions on it. In case it cannot make decisions within 20 workdays,
it may extend 10 workdays upon the approval of the responsible person of its own department, and notify the entrusting party of the
reasons for the extension.

Where, after examination, the application fulfills the requirements, an approval shall be granted, and the entrusting party shall
be issued the Document of Approval for Pharmaceutical Production through Entrustment within 10 workdays as of the date when the decision
on written approval has been made. In case it does not fulfill the requirements, the department shall notify the entrusting party
in writing and state the reason, and meanwhile notify the entrusting party of its right to apply for administrative reconsideration
or to institute an administrative proceeding ipso jure.

Article 32

The period of validity of the Documents of Approval for Pharmaceutical Production through Entrustment may not exceed two years, and
may not exceed the effective time as prescribed by the certificate documents of approval of the pharmaceutical.

Article 33

Where the period of validity of the Document of Approval of Pharmaceutical Production through Entrustment expires and it is necessary
to continue to produce pharmaceuticals through entrustment, the entrusting party shall submit the relevant documents in conformity
with the provisions of Article 34 of the present Measures, and go through formalities for extension.

Where the contract of production through entrustment terminates, the entrusting party shall go through the formalities for write-off
of the Document of Approval for Pharmaceutical Production through Entrustment in time.

Article 34

Items of application documents for pharmaceutical production through entrustment:


The photocopies of the Pharmaceutical Production License and the business license of the entrusting party and the entrusted party;


Photocopy of the certification certificate of the Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions of the entrusted party;


The conditions concerning the entrusting party’s examination on the production and quality guaranty conditions of the entrusted party;


Photocopy of the certificate documents of approval for pharmaceutical production through entrustment with the attachments of quality
standard, production technics, and the actual samples of packaging, label, and the instructions;


The pattern of the packaging, label, and the instructions and the color labels to be adopted for the pharmaceutical produced through


Contract of production through entrustment;


The product testing report of three consecutive batches of the products issued by the pharmaceutical testing offices at the level
of province at the locality of the entrusted party. Where of producing biological products through entrustment, the three batches
of samples shall be taken out and sealed up for keeping by the pharmaceutical testing offices at the level of province at the locality
of the entrusted party. And the National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products shall be responsible
for the testing and issue the testing report;


The food and drug supervision and administration department of the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the
Central Government at the locality of the entrusted party shall put forward opinions on the enterprise technicians, workshops, facilities,
equipment and other production conditions and abilities, and the examination on the quality inspection organs, testing equipment
and other quality guaranty systems.

The items of application documents as required for the application for extension of pharmaceutical production through entrustment:


Photocopies of the Pharmaceutical Production License and business license of the entrusting party and the entrusted party;


Photocopy of the certification certificate of the Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions of the entrusted party;


Photocopy of the Document of Approval for Pharmaceutical Production through Entrustment approved in the last time;


Summaries of the periods, production and quality conditions of the production through entrustment of the last time; and


Certificate documents on the changes compared with the Document of Approval for Pharmaceutical Production through Entrustment of the
last time.

Article 35

The national pharmaceutical quality standard shall be carried out for the quality standards for pharmaceuticals produced through entrustment,
and the prescriptions, production technics, packaging specifications, labels, instructions for the use, registered number of approval,
etc., shall be in conformity with the contents approved originally. The name, registration address of the entrusting enterprise and
the name and production address of the entrusted enterprise shall be indicated in the packaging, labels, and instructions of the
pharmaceutical produced through entrustment.

Article 36

The food and drug supervision and administration department shall refer to the relevant provisions of Articles 10 through 12 of Chapter
II of the present Measures when making examination on the application for pharmaceutical production through entrustment.

Article 37

Where any pharmaceutical production enterprise accepts the entrustment of any overseas pharmaceutical factory to process pharmaceuticals
within the territory of China, it shall put it on archives at the food and drug supervision and administration department of the
province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the Central Government at its locality within 30 days after signing
the contract of production through entrustment. The pharmaceuticals processed may not be sold and used in any forms within the territory
of China.

Article 38

The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall report the conditions for the approval and archival filing of pharmaceutical production through entrustment
to State Food and Drug Administration.

Chapter V Supervision and Inspection

Article 39

The food and drug supervision and administration department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under
the Central Government shall be responsible for the supervision over and inspection on pharmaceutical production enterprises within
their own administrative regions, and shall establish an operation mechanism and administration system for the implementation of
supervision and inspection, clarify the functions of supervision over and inspection on food and drug supervision and administration
organs at the level of cities divided into districts and the food and drug supervision and administration organs at the county level.

State Food and Drug Administration may make supervision over and inspection on pharmaceutical production enterprises directly, and
make supervision over and selective examination on the supervision and inspection work of the food and drug supervision and administration
department of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and on the implementation
of the Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions on the production enterprises that have passed the certification.

Article 40

The major contents of supervision and inspection shall include: conditions concerning the implementation of the relevant laws, regulations
and the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control Criterions. Supervision and inspection includes the on-the-spot
inspection on the change of Pharmaceutical Production License, the follow-up inspection on Pharmaceutical Production Quality Control
Criterions and ordinary supervision and inspection, etc..

Article 41

The food and drug supervision and administration departments at all levels shall formulate inspection plans when organizing supervision
and inspection, clarify inspection standards, and record on-site inspection conditions according to the facts. The ins


the Office of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Notice of the Office of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs on the Use and Administration of the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China

No.105 [2004] of the Office of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

The foreign affairs offices and administrations of foreign experts affairs of the people’s governments of all provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all the ministries and commissions of the State Council, organs
directly under the State Council, institutions, and international cooperative departments (foreign affairs departments) of special
parent companies:

For the purpose of implementing the Administrative License Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Decision of the State Council
on Establishing Administrative License for Administrative Examination and Approval Projects That Really Need to Be Reserved (Order
No. 412 of the State Council), and strengthening management on the work of our country for introduction of foreign talents and foreign
experts through specialized departments, we decide to adopt the measures on the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China when
foreign experts apply for vocational (Z) visa on working in China. And relevant issues concerned are noticed hereby:


All the foreign experts, who are invited to work in China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of China and the State Council on introducing intellects and strengthening foreign experts administration, shall
be exempted from obtaining employment licenses and employment permits. From October 1st, 2004, any of the aforesaid foreign experts,
who needs to draw a vocational visa, shall apply for the vocational (Z) visa at Chinese embassy or consulate in the foreign country
upon the strength of the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China (For the format, see Attachment I) issued by the State Administration
of Foreign Experts Affairs, the letter of notice of visa issued by the authorized entity and the effective passport of his domestic
country or other certificates that can substitute the passport.


Pursuant to the provisions of Order No.412 of the State Council, the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the specialized
departments for managing foreign experts affairs under the people’s governments at the provincial level shall issue the Permit for
Foreign Experts Working in China. The Chinese embassies or consulates in foreign countries shall keep the originals of the Permits
for Foreign Experts Working in China after checking and issuing vocational (Z) visas for foreign experts.


The specialized departments of all people’s governments at the provincial level for managing foreign experts affairs shall strictly
administer and issue the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China, and shall not issue work permits for entities and foreign personnel
that fall short of the invitation requirements. When issuing work permits, the said departments shall well do the work for classified
registration and statistic.


No specialized department of any of the people’s governments at the provincial level for managing foreign experts affairs may charge
fees when issuing Permits for Foreign Experts Working in China, nor shall it transfer the power for issuing permits to a department
at lower level or transfer it to the subordinate institution for handling. The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs shall
make regular examinations on the requirements for issuing work permits.


The Permit For Foreign Experts Working in China shall be printed and distributed by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
uniformly, and shall be numbered by the issuing entities.


Any problem encountered in the implementation of the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China, please be reported to the office
of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs in time.


The original Confirmation Document for Inviting Foreign Experts shall be stopped using from October 1st, 2004, and the Notice of the
Office of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the
Use and Administration of the Confirmation Document for Inviting Foreign Experts ([1996] No.16 of the Office of the State Administration
of Foreign Experts Affairs) shall be abolished simultaneously.



the Format of the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China


the List of the Specialized Departments of the People’s Governments at the Provincial Level for Managing Foreign Experts Affairs

the Office of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

August 8, 2004 htm/e03947.htmAttachment I



Attachment I:

the Sequence Number of Printing:

the Counterfoil of the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China (This page shall be kept by the Permit handling department.)


Type: Economy and Technology ( ) Culture and Education ( )                                                                                                                                                                     
Serial Number: _________

Embassy or Consulate in ________________:

Name (Foreign Name): Mr./ Mrs. _________________ (Number of the Passport: ____________) is engaged to work in ___________________in
China (From Month ____Date ____, Year _____ to Month ____Date ____, Year _____), please help issue a vocational (Z) visa.

The relatives following him /her are _________ persons altogether.


Issuer: ____________

Month ____Date ____,Year _____


the Sequence Number of Printing:

 the Counterfoil of the Permit for Foreign Experts Working in China (This page shall be kept by the applicant)


Type: Economy and Technology ( ) Culture and Education ( )                                                                                                                                                                   
Serial Number: _________

Embassy or Consulate in ___________________:

Name (Foreign Name): Mr./ Mrs. _________________ (Number of the Passport: ____________) is engaged to work in ___________________in
China (From Month ____Date ____, Year _____ to Month ____Date ____,  Year_____), please help issue a vocational (Z) visa.

The relatives following him /her are _________ persons altogether.


Issuer: ____________

Month ____Date ____,  Year_____


the Sequence Number of Printing:

 Permit of the People￿￿s Republic of China for Foreign Experts Working in China


The State Administration Of Foreign Experts Affairs, P.R.C. requests that foreign expert presents this Working Permit￿￿along with the invitation letter to have his/her Z visa processed at the nearest Chinese Embassy or Consulate.

Type: Economic and Technology ( ) Cultural and Education ( )      Serial Number: _________

Signing and issuing department (with seal):___________________ Issuer: __________________

Signing and issuing date: Month ______ Date ______, Year _______


Embassy or Consulate in ____________________

Name (Foreign Name): Mr./ Mrs. _________________ (Number of the Passport: ____________) is engaged to work in ___________________in
China (From Month ____Date ____, Year _____ to Month ____Date ____, Year _____), please help issue a vocational (Z) visa.

The relatives following him /her are _________ persons altogether.

Name of his/her spouse: ______________________

Name of his/her children: _____________________

(The period of validity of the permit shall be six months)


the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.(with seal)


Attachment II.:

the List of the Specialized Departments of the People￿￿s Governments at the Provincial Level for Managing Foreign Experts Affairs


the People￿￿s Governments at the Province Level

the List of the Specialized Departments for Managing Foreign Experts Affairs

Provinces (Districts or Cities)

Specialized Departments for Managing Foreign Experts Affairs

Beijing Municipality

Beijing Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (Office for the Introduction of Oversea Intellects)

Tianjin Municipality

Tianjin Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (Office for the Introduction of Overseas Intellects)

Shanghai Municipality

Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

Chongqing Municipality

Chongqing Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

Hebei Province

Hebei Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

Shanxi Province

Shanxi Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Liaoning Province

Liaoning Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

Jilin Province

Jilin Provincial Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 – page 22

NOTES (1) The enacting clause was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1893, 56-57 Vict., c. 14 (U.K.). It read as...