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Consolidated Regulations

Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations

Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations SOR /96-263 WILD ANIMAL AND PLANT PROTECTION AND REGULATION OF INTERNATIONAL AND INTERPROVINCIAL TRADE ACT Registration 1996-05-14 Regulations Respecting the Protection of Certain Species of Wild Animals and Wild Plants and the Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade in Those Species P.C. 1996-714 1996-05-14

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to section 21 of the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act Footnote * , is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the protection of certain species of wild animals and wild plants and the regulation of international and interprovincial trade in those species , effective on the day on which An Act respecting the protection of certain species of wild animals and plants and the regulation of international and interprovincial trade in those species , being chapter 52 of the Statutes of Canada, 1992, comes into force. Return to footnote * S.C. 1992, c. 52 Short Title 1 A

Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Dehcho First Nations) Order [Repealed]

Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Dehcho First Nations) Order SI /2010-83 [Repealed, SI/2011-92, s. 5] – 2011-10-27 TERRITORIAL LANDS ACT Registration 2010-11-10 Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Dehcho First Nations) Order P.C. 2010-1359 2010-10-28

Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Thaidene Nene (East Arm of Great Slave Lake) National Park Reserve) Order [Repealed]

Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Thaidene Nene (East Arm of Great Slave Lake) National Park Reserve) Order SI /2012-23 [Repealed, SI/2014-36, s. 5] – 2014-03-27 TERRITORIAL LANDS ACT Registration 2012-04-25 Withdrawal from Disposal of Certain Tracts of Territorial Lands in the Northwest Territories (Thaidene Nene (East Arm of Great Slave Lake) National Park Reserve) Order P.C. 2012-409 2012-04-05

Withdrawal of Certain Lands (Great Slave Lake N.W.T.) from Disposal Order

Withdrawal of Certain Lands (Great Slave Lake N.W.T.) from Disposal Order C.R.C. , c. 1535 TERRITORIAL LANDS ACT Order Withdrawing from Disposal, Setting Apart and Appropriating Certain Lands in the Northwest Territories for the Purpose of a National Park

Short Title 1 A

Wrigley Airport Zoning Regulations

Wrigley Airport Zoning Regulations SOR /95-507 AERONAUTICS ACT Registration 1995-10-31 Regulations Respecting Zoning at Wrigley Airport P.C. 1995-1814 1995-10-31

Whereas, pursuant to sectionA

Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Adaptations Regulations (Firearms)

Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Adaptations Regulations (Firearms) SOR /98-205 FIREARMS ACT Registration 1998-03-24 Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Adaptations Regulations (Firearms) P.C. 1998-480 1998-03-24

Whereas, pursuant to section 118 of the Firearms Act Footnote a , the Minister of Justice had a copy of the proposed Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Adaptations Regulations (Firearms) , substantially in the annexed form, laid before each House of Parliament on November 27, 1996, which date is at least 30 sitting days before the date of this Order; Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, pursuant to paragraph 117(u) of the Firearms Act Footnote a , hereby makes the annexed Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Adaptations Regulations (Firearms) . Return to footnote a S.C. 1995, c. 39 Interpretation 1 A

Adjudication Division Rules

Adjudication Division Rules SOR /93-47 IMMIGRATION AND REFUGEE PROTECTION ACT Registration 1993-01-28 Rules Governing the Activities of, and the Practice and Procedure in, the Adjudication Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board P.C. 1993-160A

Advertising Material Remission Order

Advertising Material Remission Order C.R.C. , c. 739 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Order Respecting the Remission of Taxes Paid or Payable Under Division III of Part IX and Under any Other Part of the Excise Tax Act on Certain Kinds of Advertising Material

Short Title 1 A

Agricultural Product Priority Claim (Banks) Regulations

Agricultural Product Priority Claim (Banks) Regulations SOR /2007-201 BANK ACT Registration 2007-09-18 Agricultural Product Priority Claim (Banks) Regulations P.C. 2007-1348 2007-09-18

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subparagraph 427(7)(b)(ii) Footnote a and section 978 Footnote b of the Bank Act Footnote c , hereby makes the annexed Agricultural Product Priority Claim (Banks) Regulations . Return to footnote a S.C. 1997, c. 15, s. 47(1) Return to footnote b S.C. 2005, c. 54, s. 135 Return to footnote c S.C. 1991, c. 46 Prescribed Amount 1 A

Airborne Remote Sensing Services Fees Order, 1989

Airborne Remote Sensing Services Fees Order, 1989 SOR /89-235 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Registration 1989-05-03 Order Prescribing the Fees and Charges to be Paid for the Provision of Airborne Remote Sensing Services

The Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, pursuant to Order in Council P.C. 1982-1125 of April 8, 1982 Footnote * made pursuant to paragraph 13(b) of the Financial Administration Act , hereby revokes the Airborne Remote Sensing Services Fees Order, 1986 made on September 2, 1986 Footnote ** and makes the annexed Order prescribing the fees and charges to be paid for the provision of airborne remote sensing services in substitution therefor. Return to footnote * SI/82-85, 1982 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 1559 Return to footnote ** SOR/86-927, 1986 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 3861 Ottawa, May 2, 1989 JAKE EPP Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Short Title 1 A

CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 – page 22

NOTES (1) The enacting clause was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1893, 56-57 Vict., c. 14 (U.K.). It read as...