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the State Administration of Taxation

Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Canceling the Conditions of Advance Approval for Obtaining Special Invoices of
the International Freight Forwarding Industry

Guo Shui Fa [2005] No. 23

The bureaus of local taxation in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and municipalities
directly under state planning:

In accordance with the provisions in the Administrative License Law of the People’s Republic of China and the decision of the State
Council on canceling or adjusting the administrative approval items, the conditions of advance approval for obtaining the “Special
Invoices of the International Freight Forwarding Industry” under the management of taxation departments have changed. For the purpose
of adapting to this change, we hereby clarify the relevant issues regarding advance approval of obtaining invoices as follows:


The Decision of the State Council on Canceling or Adjusting the Third Group of Administrative Approval Items (Guo Fa [2004] No. 16)
clearly prescribes that the items subject to the “Approval of Operational Qualification as An International Freight Forwarder” are
cancelled. Therefore, the provisions in the Circular of the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Cooperation on Relevant Issues concerning the Use of Special Invoices of the International Freight Forwarding Industry”
(Guo Shui Fa [1998] No. 91) that any enterprise applies for obtaining freight forwarding invoices must, upon strength of the tax
registration certificate and the “Approval Certificate of the People’s Republic of China on the International Freight Forwarder”
issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation”, bring the “Notification on Approving the International Freight
Forwarder” issued by the governing authority of the international freight forwarding industry to the local taxation department to
apply for freight forwarding invoices, shall be ceased from implementation.


A taxpayer shall, when obtaining the “Special Invoices of the International Freight Forwarding Industry”, follow the procedures of
obtaining invoices as prescribed in the Measures of the People’s Republic of China for the Administration of Invoices.


From now on, in case any other document promulgated by the State Council on canceling administrative approval items involves advance
approval of obtaining invoices, it may be implemented by referring to this Circular.

The State Administration of Taxation

March 7, 2005

the State Administration of Taxation



The Ministry of Commerce

Order of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

No. 9

Interim Measures on Putting on Record of International Cargo Transportation Agent Enterprises examined and adopted at the 11th executive
meeting of the Ministry of Commerce on January 21, 2005, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of the day of April

Minister, Bo Xilai

March 2, 2005

Interim Measures on Putting on Record of International Cargo Transportation Agent Enterprises

Article 1

For the purposes of improving the management of international cargo transportation agent trade, these measures are formulated in accordance
with relevant provisions of Foreign Trade Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “Foreign Trade Law” and
Management Measures on International Cargo Agent Transportation Trade of the People’s Republic of China.

Article 2

All international cargo transportation agent enterprises and their branches registered by state industrial and commercial administration
in accordance with laws (hereinafter referred to as “international cargo agent enterprises) should put on record in Ministry of Commerce
or the organs authorized by Ministry of Commerce.

Article 3

Ministry of Commerce is the competent administration of handling the record formalities for international cargo agent enterprises.

Article 4

Putting on record for international cargo agent enterprises is carried out in form of possession management through network.

Ministry of Commerce authorizes local competent commercial administrations (hereinafter referred to as ” record organs”) to be responsible
for putting on record for local international cargo agent enterprises. The authorized record organs must not authorize other organs
to putting on record without permission.

Record organs must have fixed office places, full-time personals of management, type-in, technical support and maintenance and relevant
equipments of information management system linking international cargo agent enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “information
management system).

As for the record organs that meet with the requirements, Ministry of Commerce may write a letter of authorization to them, distribute
the seal for record made uniformly under the supervision of Ministry of Commerce, and make a publication of the record organs. Record
organs put on record through information management system by the written letter of authorization and record seal of Ministry of
Commerce. As for the record organs that some changes have taken place, do not meet above requirements and do not put on record in
accordance with the provisions of Article 6 and 7 of these Measures, Ministry of Commerce may recall its authorization to them.

Article 5

International cargo agent enterprises handle record formalities in local record organs (the provinces that have cities specifically
designated in the state plane still manage it in the range of province and city specifically designated in the state plan).

Record formalities for international cargo agent enterprises are as follows:


Obtain Record Form of International Cargo Agent Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “Record Form”). International cargo agent
enterprises may download it through the government network of Ministry of Commerce (https://www.mofcom.gov.cn) or get it in local
record organs (the pattern is attached to these Measures).


Fill in Record Form. International cargo agent enterprises should fill in the information carefully in accordance with the requirements
of Record Form and ensure the filled information completed, correct and true. At the same time, read carefully the provisions on
the reverse side of Record Form, sign and seal by legal representative.


Submit following materials for the record-to-record organs:


The Record Form filled in accordance with the requirements of Article 2 of these Measures;


Copy of business license;


Copy of certification of organization code;

Article 6

Record organs should handle the formalities of putting on record and affix a seal to the Record Form within 5 days at the receipt
of above materials submitted by international cargo agent enterprises.

Article 7

Record organs should record and keep completely and correctly the information materials of international cargo agent enterprises for
the record at the same time when they finish the record formalities, and establish record files according to the law.

Article 8

International cargo agent enterprises should handle relevant formalities needed by international cargo agent business in relevant
administration upon the strength of the Record Form with a seal for the record within 30 days. Whoever is engaged in relevant business
should register in relevant competent administration if it needs to do so in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, administrative

Article 9

If there is any change of the information in Record Form, international cargo agent enterprises should go through the formalities
for the changes within 30 days according to relevant provisions of Article 5 of theses Measures. Whoever does not handle the formalities
for changes, his Record Form should lose efficacy automatically.

Record organs should handle the formalities for changes at the receipt of the written materials submitted by international cargo agent

Article 10

International cargo agent enterprises should submit relevant documents and materials relating to their business activities to Ministry
of Commerce or its authorized agencies (organs) in accordance with Management Rules of International Cargo Agent Trade of the People’s
Republic of China. Ministry of Commerce and its authorized agencies (organs) should keep business confidential for the enterprises
that provide the materials.

Article 11

To the international cargo agent enterprise that has handled cancellation formalities or whose business license has been revoked,
Record Form loses efficacy as of the day of cancellation or revoking.

Article 12

Record organs should report relevant information to the administrations of the customs, inspection and quarantine, foreign exchange,
taxation and etc..

Article 13

International cargo agent enterprises must not fake, tamper, alter, rent out, lend, transfer or sell Record Form.

Article 14

Record organs must not collect payment in disguised form while handling the formalities of record or changes for the record.

Article 15

The enterprises engaged in cargo agent business approved before should put on record in accordance with these measures.

Article 16

Foreign invested international cargo agent enterprises should go through the formalities in accordance with Management Measures on
Foreign Funded International Cargo Transportation Agent Enterprises.

Article 17

International cargo agent trade association should cooperate with competent government administration to put on record for the enterprises
and play fully the role of coordination of trade association and enhance trade self-discipline.

Article 18

The interpretation of these Measures should be vested in Ministry of Commerce.

Article 19

The said Measures should come into effect as of April 1, 2005. All regulations that do not accord with these Measures should be abolished
as of the implementation day of these Measures.

Appendix: Record Form (Pattern) of International Cargo Agent Enterprises (omitted)

The Ministry of Commerce



Measures for Election and Decision on Appointments for the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress

(Adopted at the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress on March 8, 2005) 

Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the relevant laws, the Measures for Election
and Decision on Appointments for the current session are formulated. 

1. The Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress shall elect the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the
People’s Republic of China, decide on the choices for the other component members of the Central Military Commission of the People’s
Republic of China and hold a by-election for the members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress. 

2. The choices for the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China, for the members of the Standing
Committee of the National People’s Congress shall be nominated by the Presidium. After consideration by and consultation among
the delegations, the Presidium shall decide on the official list of candidates on the basis of the opinion expressed by the majority
of the deputies.  

The choices for the members of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall be nominated from among the deputies. 

The choices for the other component members of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China shall be nominated
by the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China. 

3. The election of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China shall be one in which the
number of candidates is equal to the number to be elected.  

The number of the members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress to be elected shall be three, and three
candidates shall be nominated for an election in which the number of candidates is equal to the number to be elected. 

The names of the candidates for the members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress shall be listed in
the order of the number of strokes in their surnames and names. 

4. At the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress, the election shall be conducted by secret ballot, while the decision
on appointments shall be made one by one by pressing the button of the voting machine anonymously.  

5. A total of two ballots for election shall be prepared for each deputy, one for election of the Chairman of the Central Military
Commission of the People’s Republic of China and the other for by-election of the members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth
National People’s Congress. 

The ballots for election shall be printed in Chinese and the languages of seven minority nationalities– Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur,
Kazak, Korean, Yi and Zhuang. 

6. At the 4th plenary meeting to be held on March 13, the ballots shall be cast for election of the Chairman of the Central Military
Commission of the People’s Republic of China and for by-election of the members of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National
People’s Congress. 

With respect to each candidate on a ballot, deputies may vote for or against him, or vote for another person, or abstain from voting.
A deputy who votes against a candidate may vote for another person; a deputy who abstains from voting may not vote for another person.
Another person may be voted only when a candidate is voted against. If the number of other persons voted for is smaller or equal
to the number of candidates voted against, the ballot shall be valid; otherwise, it shall be void. 

When the number of ballots for election retrieved is equal to or less than that of the ballots distributed, the result shall be valid
for the election; when it is greater than that of the ballots distributed, the result shall be void, and election shall have to be
conducted anew. 

A candidate shall be elected only if the number of the affirmative votes he obtains is more than half of the number of all the deputies. 

7. Writing booths shall be provided for election during the plenary meeting. 

8. There shall be 35 canvassers to be recommended by the delegations from among the deputies who are not candidates. There shall
be two chief canvassers to be nominated by the Presidium from among the canvassers. The name lists of the chief canvassers and the
other canvassers shall be submitted by the Presidium to the session for adoption. The chief canvassers and the other canvassers shall,
under the guidance of the Presidium, supervise the distribution, casting and tallying of the ballots at the plenary meeting on March

The results of election shall be tallied by computer system. Should the computer system break down, they shall be tallied by the
staff members of the session. Ballots identified as invalidated by the computer system shall be reexamined and confirmed by the chief

9. At the 5th plenary meeting to be held on March 14, decision shall be made on the appointments of the other members of the Central
Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China. 

With respect to the choices to be appointed, deputies may vote for or against them or abstain from voting. 

A choice shall be adopted only if the number of the affirmative votes he obtains is more than half of the number of all the deputies. 

10. The result of the election or decision on appointments shall be announced on the spot by the person presiding over the meeting. 

11. These Measures for Election and Decision on Appointments shall go into effect upon adoption at the plenary meeting of the Third
Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress. 


Points for Attention for Filling in and Casting a Ballot and for Pressing the Button of the Voting Machine 

1. When filling in the ballot for election, please use the fountain pen provided by the Secretariat of the Session, instead of a
pencil or ball-pen. 

If you wish to vote for a candidate, please fill up the oval blank space before “For” with the ink of the fountain pen; 

If you wish to vote against a candidate, please fill up the oval blank space before “Against” with the ink of the fountain pen;  

If you wish to abstain from voting, please fill up the oval blank space before “Abstain” with the ink of the fountain pen; and 

If you wish to choose another person, you would have to vote against one candidate for recommending one person, and please put down
the name of the person you wish to choose in the column “Name of Another Person for Election” on the right side of the ballot. 

2. Please keep the ballot for election neat and clean and see that it is not crumpled, smeared or damaged, or becomes damp, in order
to guarantee accurate identification by the computer system.  

3. There shall be 22 ballot boxes in the assembly hall. Deputies shall cast their ballots into the boxes in their respective seating
areas. There shall be no mobile ballot boxes, and no one may entrust another person with the casting of his ballot. 

4. When the time comes for casting the ballots, the chief canvassers and the other canvassers shall cast their ballots in their respective
seating areas first. After having cast their ballots, they shall go to the ballot boxes they are responsible for canvassing, and
then the other deputies shall start to cast their ballots one after another. 

5. When casting of the ballots is concluded in a voting area, the staff members of the current session shall, under the supervision
of the canvasser, open the ballot box, take out all the ballots and seal the box up. And then they shall, under the supervision of
the canvasser, send the ballots to the Tally Room. 

This procedure shall be followed in all the voting areas.  

6. The staff members for tallying the ballots shall be designated by the Secretariat of the Session. 

7. When the time comes for voting in respect of the nominees, the indicator light on the voting machine will flicker reminding
the deputy to press the button of the voting machine. The deputy may press the button to vote for, to vote against or to abstain
from voting, as he wishes. If the button is not pressed, no vote shall be reckoned in the total number of the votes.

Notice: All Rights Reserved to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.


the Ministry of Commerce

Circular of the Ministry of Commerce on Enhancing the Administration of Franchise Businesses

All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, municipalities directly under state planning,
and the competent authority of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

Recently, franchising has experienced rapid development in our country as a new mode of circulation and is becoming an effective method
for expanding enterprise scale. Reality shows that franchising has played an active role in increasing consumption, enhancing the
development of small and medium-sized enterprises, absorbing non-governmental capitals, and boosting employment. But because of a
lag in relevant legislation and supervision, a handful of unlawful people have cheated in their business and impaired the interest
of investors under the veil of franchising. For the purposes of further enhancing the administration of franchising businesses, regulating
franchising activities, and promoting healthy and orderly development of franchising activities, the Circular on the relevant matters
is issued as follows:


Earnestly implementing the Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchising, and enhancing the level and capability to administrate
the franchise businesses according to law.

The Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchising (hereafter referred to as “these Measures”) is an important regulation
on current franchising activities. “These Measures” has specifically prescribed the qualifications of the parties concerned, the
franchising contract, information disclosure, advertising and promotion, supervision and administration, as well as the foreign-invested
enterprises’ participation in franchising and the legal responsibilities they need to take while involved with franchising activities.
The promulgation and implementation of “these Measures” is the basis and guarantee for regulating commercial franchising, protecting
the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned, promoting the healthy and orderly development of commercial franchising,
and realizing the regularization and legalization of commercial franchising. The administrative departments of commerce at all levels
shall enhance their understanding of “these Measures” and effectively organize the study and training for “the Measures” to guarantee
the implementation of “these Measures”. In the meanwhile, they shall take local conditions into consideration in their research for
feasible supporting policies and specific procedures, and increase their level and capability to administer franchising activities
according to law.


Adhering to classified guidance and enhancing the supervision and administration of franchising activities

Franchise is enjoying fast development. It involves in many industries, and is comparatively difficult to supervise and regulate.
Due to these characteristics, the administrative department of commerce at all levels shall, in accordance with the law of modern
circulation development and in light of the present situation of the enterprise, stick to the principle of classified guidance, and
shall administrate and give guidance to the society’s franchising activities. Investigation and research shall be strengthened for
the development of franchising in selective areas and enterprises in order to get first hand materials on these developments. Early-warning
mechanism shall be established to identify unhealthy trend in time, and to implement dynamic administration for those enterprises
with illegal activities. Cooperation with the industry and commerce administration, tax administration and public securities administration
shall be strengthened. Any enterprises suspected of committing commercial fraud or conducting multi-level marketing or disguised
multi-level marketing under the veil of franchising can be reported to the relevant authorities in time. The administrative department
of commerce at all levels shall also be responsible for guiding the enterprises to increase their levels of management, gather development
potential, and boost their expanding capacity.

The franchise development situation at different areas and a “Franchising Activities Questionnaire for the Year 2004” (see the attachment)
shall be sent to the Department of Commercial Reform and Development of the Ministry of Commerce by the end of March 2005.


Regulating franchise expositions to prevent commercial fraud committed through such expositions

Currently, various expositions are an effective platform for the promotion of franchise. But some unlawful people use the expositions
as a means to commit illegal activities such as fraud and money collection. The administrative departments of commerce at all levels
shall reinforce their supervision and administration over all kinds of franchise expositions. The organizers of the expositions shall
strictly control the qualifications of the attendees to guarantee the legality of the enterprise attendee and the authenticity of
their promotion. The relevant administrative department of commerce shall reinforce their administration over foreign economic and
technological expositions related to franchising. Once an enterprise attendee has been found committing commercial fraud through
the exposition, the relevant administrative department of commerce, together with the administrations for industry and commercial,
shall investigate and prosecute the enterprise for its illegal activities.


Increasing publicity to create an environment conducive to the development of franchising.

Franchise business is still a new development in our country. Much is unknown about franchising for all parties concerned of our society.
The administrative department of commerce at all levels shall intensify the publicity of franchising. They shall, through various
channels and by various means, publicize the positive role of franchising in promoting the development of small and medium-sized
enterprises and in increasing employment. This will help the society to better realize the importance of developing and regulating
franchising. Websites, newspapers, and magazines shall be utilized to run special features on franchising, which shall emphasis on
introducing the basic knowledge of franchising, foreign franchise legislation and development, and the situation of franchising in
China; emphases shall also include commending franchisees that run their business by law, and exposing the franchisees that operate
illegally. By combining the intensive publicities in franchising with the regular ones, the franchisees will be more conscious of
the legality of their operation, and a healthy social environment conducive to the development of franchise will be created consequently.


Fully utilizing franchise industry associations and enhancing self-discipline in the industry

In combination with the transformation of function of the government, the administrative department of commerce at all levels shall
fully utilize the functions of franchise associations as the bridge and link between the government and the franchisees. The administrative
department of commerce at all levels shall promote education, training and examples of commercial credit to emphasize the concept
and consciousness of it, and to gradually establish a credit evaluation system for the franchising industry. They shall reinforce
training in the franchise industry by utilizing all forms and means to train the personnel in the franchise industry, and to guide
the franchisees to realize standardized and scientific management of their enterprises in order to enhance their core competitive
power. Regulations, restrictions, and moral standard for the franchising industry shall be formulated in accordance with relevant
laws and regulations. The industry associations shall be given full play to coordinate, serve, and supervise the franchise activities
and shall enhance self-discipline in the industry so as to promote healthy development of the franchising industry.

Attachment: Franchising Activities Questionnaire(Omitted)

Ministry of Commerce

March 10, 2005

the Ministry of Commerce



Ministry of Commerce

Announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

No. 13

In accordance with the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Import and Export of Goods and the Provisional Administrative
Rules for State-trading of Importing Crude Oil, Processed Oil and Chemical Fertilizer, and upon the examination and approval, the
List of Recorded Enterprises (the Fifth Batch) for None-State Trading Import Operation of Processed Oil (Fuel Oil) is hereby released
as follows:

Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China

March 17, 2005

List of Recorded Enterprises for None-State Trading Import Operation of Processed Oil (Fuel Oil)(the Fifth Batch)

(Ten Enterprises)

Beijing Zhongyou Changda Petroleum Co., Ltd

Changchun Xinda Petroleum Group Co., Ltd

Rizhao East China Petrochemical Co., Ltd

Shandong Landbridge Group

Shan’xi Dongda Petrochemical Co., Ltd

Ningbo Shenda Energy Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd

Hu’nan Xin Hualian International Oil Trade Co., Ltd

Jiangsu Overseas Group Corp.

Xinjiang Tourism Co., Ltd

Guangzhou Panyu Nanxing Co., Ltd

Ministry of Commerce



Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, General Administration of Customs, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine

Announcement of Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, General Administration of Customs and General Administration of Quality
Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

[2005] No. 8

In accordance with the provisions of Foreign Trade Law of PRC and Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Entry and Exit Animal
and Plant Quarantine, as well as under the fact that Canada has met with the requirements of World Non-Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Country made by the Office International des Epizooties, the announcement is hereby issued as follows:


The import of poultry and by-products originating from Canada shall be resumed. Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine organizations
shall resume inspection declaration concerning poultry and by-products from the said areas and the custom office shall resume the
acceptance of the declaring of the import of the poultry and by-products in the above-mentioned areas.


All the local competent commercial administrations should resume issuance of Automatic Import Licence to chicken products (all the
chicken products included in appendix I of Automatic Import License Management Commodity List) in the above-mentioned areas.

This Announcement shall take effect as of the date of promulgation.

Ministry of Commerce

Ministry of Agriculture

General Administration of Customs

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

February 22, 2005

Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, General Administration of Customs, General Administration of Quality
Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine



the State Administration of Taxation

Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Printing and Distributing the Measures Governing Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported
Goods (For Trial Implementation)

Guo Shui Fa [2005] No.51

The state taxation bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the cities
specifically designated in the state plan and all the entities thereof:

With a view to regulating the administration on tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, the State Administration of Taxation has
formulated the Measures Governing Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported Goods (For Trial Implementation) according to the Law of the
People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection, the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People’s
Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection, the Interim Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Value-added
Taxes, the Interim Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Consumption Taxes and other provisions of the state on tax refund
(exemption) of exported goods. which are hereby printed and distributed to you. Please implement them accordingly.

The State Administration of Taxation

March 16, 2005

Measures Governing Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported Goods (For Trial Implementation)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

With a view to regulating the administration on tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, the present Measures are formulated according
to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection, the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of
the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection, the Interim Regulations of the People’s Republic
of China on Value-added Taxes, the Interim Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Consumption Taxes and other provisions
of the state on the tax refund (exemption) of exported goods.

Article 2

As for the goods exported by an exporter on his own or by entrustment, except that there are otherwise provisions, the exporter thereof
may, after the declaration of goods to customs for export and the financial settlement for sales, make a report to the local state
taxation bureau (hereinafter referred to as the tax organ) for the approval of refund or exemption of his value-added tax (VAT) or
consumption tax upon the strength of relevant certificates.

The term “exporter” as mentioned in the present Measures includes foreign trade operators, manufacture enterprises without the qualification
for export operation that entrust others for their export, and the special enterprises and personnel of tax refund (exemption).

The term “foreign trade operator” refers to those artificial persons, other organizations or individuals, which/who have gone through
the formalities for the industry and commerce registration or other formalities for practicing his profession, and have been granted
the qualification for export operation by the Ministry of Commerce or its authorized entities and engage in business operation of
foreign trade. Particularly, the term “individual” (including foreigners) refers to any person who has been registered to start an
individual household of industry and commerce, an individual sole-capital enterprise or a partnership enterprise.

The term “special enterprises and personnel of tax refund (exemption)” refers to the enterprises and personnel who may, according
to the relevant provisions of the state, apply for the tax refund (exemption) of exported goods.

Article 3

The scope of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, the tax refund rate and the methods for tax refund (exemption) shall be subject
to relevant provisions of the state.

Article 4

The tax organ shall, in light of the procedures for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods and the actual requirements of work,
set up corresponding posts for the recognition administration of tax refund (exemption) for exported goods, the acceptance of declaration,
the preliminary examination, reexamination, investigation, examination and approval, withdrawal from and adjustment of the state
treasury and others, and the post responsible system as well. Where there needs “one person holding several posts concurrently” due
to the shortage of personnel, the arrangement of personnel shall be subject to the post supervision and restriction mechanism.

Chapter II The Recognition Administration of Tax Refund (Exemption) for Exported Goods

Article 5

Where a foreign trade operator has gone through the registration formalities for archival filing in accordance with the Foreign Trade
Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Measures for the Registration of Foreign Trade Operators for Archival Filing of the
Ministry of Commerce, and if a manufacture enterprise without the qualification for export operation entrusts any other enterprise
to export self-manufactured products (including those products that are deemed as self-manufactured products, hereinafter the same),
it shall, within 30 days as of the day of registration for archival filing or the conclusion of the contact for export as an agent
and upon the strength of relevant materials, fill in the Recognition Form of Tax Refund (Exemption) for Exported Goods and go to
the local tax organ to go through the recognition formalities for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods.

The recognition formalities for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods of those special enterprises and personnel of tax refund
(exemption) shall be gone through according to relevant provisions of the state.

Article 6

Where an exporter has gone through the recognition formalities for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, and if there is any change
of the recognition content thereof, he shall, within 30 days as of the day when the approval for alteration is granted by the relevant
administrative organ, apply to the tax organ for going through the recognition alternating formalities for tax refund (exemption)
of exported goods upon the strength of relevant certificates.

Article 7

Where the tax refund (exemption) of exported goods shall be terminated according to laws due to matters such as dissolution, bankruptcy
or withdraw of an exporter, he shall go to the tax organ to go through the cancellation formalities for the recognition of tax refund
(exemption) of exported goods upon the strength of the relevant certificates and materials.

As for any exporter who applies for recognition cancellation, the tax organ shall settle the amount for tax refund (exemption) of
exported goods before going through the formalities for cancellation of the recognition according to relevant provisions.

Chapter III Declaration and Acceptance of Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported Goods

Article 8

An exporter shall, within the prescribed time limit, gather all the documentations required for tax refund (exemption) of exported
goods, obtain the electronic declaration data by using the electronic declaration system of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods
as acknowledged by the State Administration of Taxation, faithfully fill in the Declaration Form of Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported
Goods and apply to the tax organ for going through the formalities for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods. In case any exporter
fails to submit his declaration within the prescribed time limit, except that there are otherwise provisions, the tax organ may not
accept the said delayed declaration of tax refund (exemption). Those who need to pay the tax evaded thereof shall pay the duty according
to relevant provisions.

Article 9

Where an exporter declares for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, the tax organ shall accept it in a timely manner and carry
out a preliminary examination. Upon the preliminary examination, if the declaration materials, electronic declaration data and paper
certificates as reported by the exporter are complete, the tax organ shall accept the declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported
goods; if the declaration materials or paper certificates as reported by the exporter are incomplete, except it is otherwise prescribed,
the tax organ shall not accept the declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, and immediately require the exporter
to make corrections and supplement the relevant materials and certificates.

The tax organ shall, after accepting an exporter’s declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, send a return receipt
to the exporter and make registration of the declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods.

Article 10

Where the materials and paper certificates for declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods as reported by an exporter
are complete, except it is otherwise prescribed, the tax organ shall, before the expiration day of the prescribed time limit for
declaration, not refuse to accept the declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods for such reasons as the absence of
relevant electronic information and the inconsistency of the electronic information upon verification.

Chapter IV Verification, Examination and Approval of Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported Goods

Article 11

The tax organ shall use the electronic management system of tax refund (exemption) for exported goods as acknowledged by the State
Administration of Taxation and the data of tax refund rate for export as distributed by the State Administration of Taxation, carry
out the verification, examination and approval for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods according to relevant provisions, and
shall not change at will the verification setup of the electronic management system for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods,
the data of tax refund rate for export or the relevant electronic information as accepted.

Article 12

The tax organ shall, after accepting a declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods from an exporter, conduct examination
on the legality and accuracy of declaration certificates and materials within the prescribed time limit, and shall verify the logic
corresponding relation between the declaration data. Pursuant to different situations of declarations for tax refund (exemption)
of exported goods from exporters, the tax organ shall pay emphasis on the following contents during the examination and verification:


Whether the categories, contents of and seals in the declaration statements for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods are complete
and accurate or not;


Whether the electronic data as provided in the declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods are in consistency with the
declaration form of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods or not; and


Whether the certificates for the declaration for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods are effective and in consistency with the
detailed content of the Declaration Form of Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported Goods or not. The certificates that are subject to
verification on focus are as follows:


The declaration form of tax refund for exported goods (exclusively used for tax refund for export): The declaration form of tax refund
for exported goods shall be the original form, which is affixed with the customs seal and is indicated with such words as “exclusively
used for tax refund for export” (except it is otherwise provided for). Such contents as the customs serial number, customs code of
the exporter, export date, the commodity serial number, export volume and off-shore price shall match with those in the statement
of declaration for tax refund (exemption).


The certificate for export as an agency: Such contents as the name of the entrusted enterprise, the code of exported goods, export
volume and off-shore price thereof shall match with those in the declaration form of exported goods (exclusively used for tax refund
for export), and shall be in consistency with the statement of declaration of tax refund (exemption).


The special VAT invoice (deducting slip): The special VAT invoice (deducting slip) shall be affixed with complete seals and of no
alteration. Such contents as the issuance date, number, amount and tax rate thereof shall be in consistency with those in the statement
of declaration of tax refund (exemption).


The verification form of remittance inward by export (or the verification certificate list of remittance inward by export, hereinafter
the same): Such contents as the serial number, the amount, the name of exported goods of the verification form of remittance inward
by export thereof shall be in consistency with the approval number, off-shore price and names of export goods as indicated in the
corresponding declaration form of exported goods; and


The payment form of consumption taxes (exclusively used for exported goods). The content as filled in each column of the payment form
of consumption taxes (exclusively used for exported goods) shall be in line with the corresponding invoice. The seals of the tax
collection organ and the state treasury (banks) shall be complete and satisfy the relevant requirements.

Article 13

After the manual verification on the certificates and materials of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods as declared, the tax organ
shall conduct a computer verification by using the electronic management system of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods to verify
such electronic information as the electronic data, certificates and materials as declared by exporters for tax refund (exemption)
of exported goods, and the declaration form of exported goods, the verification form of remittance inward by export, the certificate
of export as an agency, the special VAT invoice and the payment form of consumption taxes (exclusively used for exported goods) as
transferred by the State Administration of Taxation and the relevant departments. The emphasis of examination and verification shall
be attached on to the following:


The electronic information of the declaration form of exported goods: Whether such items as the customs serial number, export date,
commodity code, export volume and off-shore price of the declaration form of exported goods are in consistency with the declared
electronic information upon ratification or not;


The electronic information of the certificate of export as an agency: Whether such items as the serial number, commodity code, export
date and export off-shore price are in consistency with the declared electronic information upon ratification or not;


The electronic information of the verification form of remittance inward by export: Whether such items as the number of the verification
form of remittance inward by export are in consistency with the declared electronic information upon ratification or not;


The data of tax refund rate for export: Whether or not the goods of tax refund (exemption) as declared by exporters fall into the
category of the goods whose tax may be refunded or not, and whether the tax refund rate as declared is in consistency with that in
the data of tax refund rate for export or not;


The electronic information of the special VAT invoice: Whether the issuance date, amount, tax amount, the identification numbers of
the purchaser and seller, invoice code, invoice number are in consistency with those in the special VAT invoice upon ratification
or not.

When checking any special VAT invoice, the examination and investigation assistance information concerning the special VAT invoice
shall be adopted. Where the examination and investigation assistance information on the special VAT invoice hasn’t been received
for the time being, the tax organ may firstly use the organization information of the special VAT invoice, and shall conduct a re-examination
over the relevant examination and investigation assistance information on the special VAT invoice in a timely manner. Where anything
wrong is found upon the re-examination, the tax amount as refunded or exempted shall be retrieved in a timely manner.


The electronic information of the payment form of consumption taxes (exclusively used for exported goods): Whether such items as the
number, the customs code of the purchasing enterprise, tax assessment amount, tax rate (amount) of the payment form of consumption
taxes (exclusively used for exported goods) are in consistency with the electronic information upon ratification or not.

Article 14

Where a taxation organ, during the process of verification, finds out that any certificate or material as declared fails to be in
line with the relevant provisions, it shall notice the relevant exporter and requires him to make adjustment or make a new declaration.
Any doubtful point as found during the computer examination shall be subject to strict treatment according to relevant provisions.
Where there comes up any question concerning the certificates or materials of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods as declared
by exporters, the following treatments shall be imposed respectively according to the different circumstances:


Where there is no electronic information for the certificates or materials of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods as declared
by exporters or any inconsistency is found therein, verification shall be conducted according to relevant provisions in a timely


Where there is any question in such paper certificates as the declaration form of exported goods (exclusively used for tax refund
for export) and verification form of remittance inward by export, a letter shall be sent to relevant departments for verification;


Where there is any question in the special VAT invoice as produced by the forge-preventing tax control system, an application shall
be filed to the taxation investigation department at the same level to conduct a verification through the special VAT invoice assistance
investigation system of the taxation system; or


Where there is any question in such aspects as the goods source, tax payment or the supplying enterprise as declared by an exporter,
the tax organ shall, according to relevant provisions of the State Administration of Taxation, conduct a letter investigation, or
file an application to the taxation investigation department at the same level that shall conduct investigation according to relevant
provisions, and cope with the matter pursuant to the reply letter and the information of investigation.

Article 15

Where the application by an exporter for handling the certification of the relevant tax refund (exemption) of exported goods accords
with the relevant provisions upon examination of a tax organ, the tax organ shall provide the relevant certification in a timely

Article 16

The tax refund (exemption) of exported goods shall be subject to the examination and approval of tax organs at or above the level
of cities divided into districts and autonomous prefectures according to the examination results and relevant provisions.

The tax organ shall, after the examination and approval, go through the formalities for withdrawal from or adjustment of the state
treasury according to relevant provisions.

Chapter V Daily Administration of Tax Refund (Exemption) of Exported Goods

Article 17

The tax organ shall announce the relevant policies and provisions for tax refund (exemption) of exported goods and reinforce the work
of publicity, instructions and training for exporters.

Article 18

The tax organ shall well plan for the tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, and do a good job in the analysis and report of the
implementation thereof. The tax organ shall handle the withdrawal from or adjustment of the state treasury within the plan of tax
refund (exemption) for export as ordered by the State Administration of Taxation.

Article 19

Under the following circumstances, the tax organ shall settle the amount of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods in a timely manner:


There is any dissolution, bankruptcy or withdraw of an exporter and any other matter due to which the tax refund (exemption) for export
shall be terminated; or the recognition of tax refund (exemption) of exported goods has been written off; or


Any exporter violates any of the relevant policies or regulations of the state and is suspended from the right of tax refund (exemption)
for a certain period.

Article 20

The tax organ shall establish an appraisal mechanism and a supervision and control mechanism for tax refund (exemption) of exported
goods so as to strengthen the administration on tax refund (exemption) of exported goods and prevent any case of tax fraud.

Article 21

The tax organ shall, according to relevant provisions, do a good job in the acceptance, use and administration of the electronic data
concerning tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, safeguard the security of the electronic management system of tax refund (exemption)
of exported goods and effectively backup electronic data and conduct equipment maintenance.

Article 22

The tax organ shall establish an archival filing administration system for the certificates and materials concerning tax refund (exemption)
of exported goods, which shall be kept on file for 10 years, with the exception that it is otherwise provided for by laws and administrative
regulations. The specific measures for the administration shall be formulated by the state taxation bureaus at the provincial level.

Chapter VI Treatment for Rule Breaking

Article 23

Where an exporter conducts any of the following acts, the tax organ shall impose punishments upon it/him according to Article 60
of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection:


failing to go through the formalities for recognition, alteration or writing off of the tax refund (exemption) of exported goods;


failing to establish, use and keep the relevant books, certificates and materials concerning the tax refund (exemption) of exported
goods according to relevant provisions.

Article 24

Where any exporter refuses the examination by tax organs or refuses to provide the relevant books, certificates or materials concerning
tax refund (exemption) of exported goods, the tax organ shall impose punishments upon it/him according to Article 70 of the Law
of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection.

Article 25

Where any exporter cheats any tax refund by making any false report of his export or any other cheating methods, the tax organ shall
impose punishments upon it/him according to Article 66 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax

Those exporters who have cheated any tax refund by fraud shall be suspended of the right of tax refund for 6 months or more upon the
approval of the state taxation bureaus above the provincial level (including the provincial level). During the suspension of the
right of tax refund, no formalities for tax refund (exemption) may be gone through for exported goods that are self operated, or
are operated by means of entrustment and agency.

Article 26

Where an exporter violates the provisions, and measures of tax reserve and compulsory implementation shall be adopted, the tax organ
shall carry out the work according to relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax
Collection and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 27

Any other matter that hasn’t been described in the present Measures shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the Law of the
People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the
People’s Republic of China on the Administration of Tax Collection and other laws and administrative regulations.

Article 28

The power to interpret the present Measures shall remain with the State Administration of Taxation.

Article 29

The present Measures shall go into effect as of May 1, 2005. Where there is any provision as issued before inconsistent with the present
Measures, the present Measures shall prevail.

the State Administration of Taxation



Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs

Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs Announcement

[2005] No. 9

February 21, 2005

Iron ore shall be under the management of Automatic Import License (included in Automatic Import License Management Commodity List
III. See Appendix 1 of Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs Announcement No 26, 2004) as of March 1, 2005,
in accordance with provisions of Regulations of People’s Republic of China on Administration of Import and Export of Goods and Management
Measures on Cargo Automatic Import License. Iron ore is listed under No.2601110000, No.2601120000 and No.2601200000. All the iron
ore import enterprises shall go through the formalities of automatic import license in line with Management Measures on Cargo Automatic
Import License and other relevant provisions. Customs shall handle declaration and passing-the-customs procedures for imported iron
ore on the basis of Automatic Import License issued by License Institutions of Ministry of Commerce.

Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs



Anti-Secession Law

Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China 


The Anti-Secession Law, adopted at the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China
on March 14, 2005, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation. 

Hu Jintao 

President of the People’s Republic of China 

March14, 2005 


(Adopted at the Third Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress on March 14, 2005) 

Article 1 This Law is formulated, in accordance with the Constitution, for the purpose of opposing and checking Taiwan’s secession
from China by secessionists in the name of “Taiwan independence”, promoting peaceful national reunification, maintaining peace and
stability in the Taiwan Straits, preserving China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and safeguarding the fundamental interests
of the Chinese nation. 

Article 2 There is only one China in the world. Both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. China’s sovereignty and territorial
integrity brook no division. Safeguarding China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is the common obligation of all Chinese people,
the Taiwan compatriots included. 

Taiwan is part of China. The state shall never allow the “Taiwan independence” secessionist forces to make Taiwan secede from China
under any name or by any means. 

Article 3 The Taiwan question is one that is left over from China’s civil war of the late 1940s. 

Solving the Taiwan question and achieving national reunification is China’s internal affair, which subjects to no interference by
any outside forces. 

Article 4 Accomplishing the great task of reunifying the motherland is the sacred duty of all Chinese people, the Taiwan compatriots

Article 5 Upholding the principle of one China is the basis of peaceful reunification of the country. 

To reunify the country through peaceful means best serves the fundamental interests of the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan
Straits. The state shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification. 

After the country is reunified peacefully, Taiwan may practice systems different from those on the mainland and enjoy a high degree
of autonomy. 

Article 6 The state shall take the following measures to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and promote cross-Straits

(1) to encourage and facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits for greater mutual understanding and mutual trust; 

(2) to encourage and facilitate economic exchanges and cooperation, realize direct links of trade, mail and air and shipping services,
and bring about closer economic ties between the two sides of the Straits to their mutual benefit; 

(3) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits exchanges in education, science, technology, culture, health and sports, and work together
to carry forward the proud Chinese cultural traditions; 

(4) to encourage and facilitate cross-Straits cooperation in combating crimes; and 

(5) to encourage and facilitate other activities that are conducive to peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and stronger cross-Straits

The state protects the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in accordance with law. 

Article 7 The state stands for the achievement of peaceful reunification through consultations and negotiations on an equal footing
between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. These consultations and negotiations may be conducted in steps and phases and with flexible
and varied modalities. 

The two sides of the Taiwan Straits may consult and negotiate on the following matters: 

(1) officially ending the state of hostility between the two sides; 

(2) mapping out the development of cross-Straits relations; 

(3) steps and arrangements for peaceful national reunification; 

(4) the political status of the Taiwan authorities; 

(5) the Taiwan region’s room of international operation that is compatible with its status; and 

(6) other matters concerning the achievement of peaceful national reunification. 

Article 8 In the event that the “Taiwan independence” secessionist forces should act under any name or by any means to cause the
fact of Taiwan’s secession from China, or that major incidents entailing Taiwan’s secession from China should occur, or that possibilities
for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ non-peaceful means and other necessary measures
to protect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. 

The State Council and the Central Military Commission shall decide on and execute the non-peaceful means and other necessary measures
as provided for in the preceding paragraph and shall promptly report to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. 

Article 9 In the event of employing and executing non-peaceful means and other necessary measures as provided for in this Law, the
state shall exert its utmost to protect the lives, property and other legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan civilians and foreign
nationals in Taiwan, and to minimize losses. At the same time, the state shall protect the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots
in other parts of China in accordance with law. 

Article 10 This Law shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.

Notice: All Rights Reserved to the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 – page 22

NOTES (1) The enacting clause was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1893, 56-57 Vict., c. 14 (U.K.). It read as...