Home Consolidated Regulations I Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings Regulations

Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings Regulations

Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings Regulations SOR /86-600 DIVORCE ACT Registration 1986-05-29 Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings Regulations P.C. 1986-1300 1986-05-29

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, pursuant to subsection 26(1) of the Divorce Act, 1985 Footnote * , is pleased hereby to revoke the Divorce Regulations , C.R.C., c. 557, and to make the annexed Regulations respecting the establishment and operation of a central registry of divorce proceedings in Canada , in substitution therefor, effective June 1, 1986. Return to footnote * S.C. 1986, c. 4 1 A