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Circular of Shanghai Stock Exchange concerning Issuing the Guidelines of Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Internal Control of Listed

All listed companies,

In order to push forward and direct the listed companies to set up a sound internal control system, enhance the risk management level
of companies and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, the Guidelines of Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Internal
Control of Listed Companies are instituted by this Stock Exchange according to the Company Law, Securities Law, Circular of the State
Council on Approving and Forwarding the Opinions of China Securities Regulatory Commission concerning Promoting the Quality of Listed
Companies, other laws, regulations and regulatory documents, and the Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange concerning the Listing of Stocks,
and hereby are promulgated for implementation.

Shanghai Stock Exchange

June 5, 2006

Guidelines of Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Internal Control of Listed Companies
Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

In order to push forward and direct the listed companies to set up a sound internal control system, enhance the security management
level of the companies and protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, the Guidelines of Shanghai Stock Exchange for
the Internal Control of Listed Companies are formulated by this Stock Exchange according to the Company Law, Securities Law, Circular
of the State Council concerning Approving and Forwarding the Opinions of China Securities Regulatory Commission concerning Promoting
the Quality of Listed Companies, other laws, regulations and regulatory documents, and the Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange concerning
the Listing of Stocks.

Article 2

The term “internal control” refers to the related rules and arrangements which are made for the management of the risks underlying
the strategies making and business operating of a listed company to ensure the realization of the strategic aims of the company.
It is an activity in which the board of directors, the management level and the staff jointly take part.

Article 3

According to the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and regulations, and the provisions of this Stock Exchange
concerning the listing of stocks, any company listed in this Stock Change shall set up and perfect a sound internal control system,
shall ensure the completeness, reasonableness and effectiveness in practicing of the internal control system to enhance the effectiveness
and effect in company operations ,promote the reliability of the information disclosed by the company to ensure the lawfulness and
regulation compliance of the acts of the company.

Article 4

The establishment, the effective implementation, and the inspection and supervision of a sound internal control system of the company
shall be in the charge of the board of directors of a company. The board of directors and all its members shall ensure that the contents
of the information disclosure concerning the internal control are genuine, exact and complete.

Chapter II Framework of Internal Control

Article 5

A company shall try best to make the internal control system comprehensive and complete, and make arrangements at least in the aspects
as follows:


The aspect of the company;


The aspect of the departments and the affiliated companies of the company; and


The aspect of the business links of the company.

Article 6

When setting up and carrying out the internal control system, a company shall take into consideration of the basic elements as follows:


The expression “to set a goal” means that the board of directors and the management level set a strategic aim in the light of the
security preferences of the company.


The term “internal environment” refers to the organizational culture and other comprehensive factors affecting the staff￿￿s awareness
of the securities, such as the perspectives of the staff on the securities, the security management concept and security preferences
of the management level, the occupational and professional ethic norms and working environment, the attention paid to the securities
and the directions on the securities given by the board of directors and the board of supervisors.


The term “confirmation of securities” means that the board of directors and the management level makes confirmation on the internal
and external security factors causing affect on the realization of the aim of the company.


The term “security evaluation” means that the board of directors and the management level make sure the security management methods
according to the likeliness and consequences of the security factors.


The expression “selection of security management strategies” means that the board of directors and the management level make choices
on the security management strategies according to the security bearing ability and the security preferences.


The term “control activities” refers to the system and procedures to ensure the effective implementation of the security management
strategies, consisting of the approval, authorization, verification, adjustment, review, periodic check, recording and checking up,
functional division, asset preservation, performance evaluation, etc.


The term “information communication” refers to the course during which the information resulting from the planning, implementation,
supervision and other management activities is provided to the users timely. and


The term “inspection and supervision” refers to the course during which the company exams itself and supervise the running of internal

Article 7

Based on satisfying the overall strategic aims, a company shall set up related internal control systems for its subordinate departments
and affiliated companies, as well as its business links.

Article 8

In general, the internal control of a company shall cover all business links in the business operation activities, which shall include
but not be limited to:


The link of sale of goods and receipt of payments for goods, consisting of the conducting of orders, credit management, transport
and delivery of goods, issuance of invoices for the goods sold, confirmation of income and receivables, received cash payments and
the records thereof, etc.


The link of purchase and payment, consisting of the procurement application, conducting of procurement orders, check and acceptance
of goods, filling out check and acceptance report or dealing with the goods returned, the record on accounts payable, check and approval
of payments, cash payments andrecords theirof, etc.


The link of production, consisting of the production plan to be made, issuance of checklist of materials to be used, storage of raw
materials, bringing into operation, calculation of production costs of inventories, calculation of costs of goods sold, quality control,


The link of management on fixed assets, consisting of the self-construction, purchase, disposal, maintenance, preservation and record
of the fixed assets, etc.


The link of management on monetary fund, consisting of the entries, transfer out, recording, reporting of the monetary fund, authorization
to the cashier and financial accountants, etc.


The link of relevant transactions, consisting of the definition of the related parties, the pricing, authorization, implementation,
reporting and record of relevant transactions.


The link of guaranty and financing, consisting of the authorization, enforcement ,recording ,etc concerning the borrowing, guaranty,
acceptance, leasing, issuance of new stocks and issuance of bonds.


The link of investment, consisting of the resolutions, enforcement preservation ,recording ,etc concerning the investments in the
negotiable securities, stock right, real property, operating assets, financial derivatives, and other long term and short term investments,
entrusted financing, and the use of funds raised,


The link of research and development, consisting of the basic research, design of products, development of technology, test of products,
record of research and development, as well as preservation of documents. and


The link of personnel management, consisting of the employment and conclusion of employment contracts, training, leave, overtime work,
leaving post, dismissal, retirement, time calculation, calculation of salaries and wages, calculation of individual income tax and
all withholding items, records of wages and salaries, payments for salaries and wages, check on work attendance records, evaluation,

When formulating internal control system, a company may modulate the business links in accordance with the sector in which the company
founds itself and its production and business operation features.

Article 9

The internal control system of a company shall not only consist of the control of all links of the business activities, but also
the management rules concerning the business activities of each link, which consist of but not be limited to: the management of use
of seals, receipt and use of instruments, budget management, asset management, quality management, guaranty management, post authorization
and agent rules, regular communication rules, information disclosure management rules, as well as rules concerning the management
of affiliated companies.

Article 10

If using the computer-aided information system, a company shall also institute internal control rules concerning the information
management. The internal control rules concerning the information management shall at least cover the contents as follows:


The division of functions between the information processing department and information using departments;


The division of the functions and duties of information processing department;


The control of development of the system and modification of procedures;


The control of procedures, access of materials, and data processing;


The safety control of archives, equipment and information; and


The control of the public information disclosure activities to be implemented through the website of this Stock Exchange or through
the website of the company.

Article 11

In the light of the relevant provisions of the finance administrative department of the state, a company shall set up internal accounting
control rules .

Article 12

A company in the finance sector or in any other special sector shall set up an internal control system, but also be governed by the
provisions of the related competent departments.

Article 13

According to its own business features, a company shall set up an internal control system. This Stock Exchange encourages it to employ
an intermediary institution to help it set up an internal control system.

Chapter III Internal Control of Special Risks

Section 1 Management and Control of Affiliated Companies

Article 14

A company shall manage and control its controlling subsidiaries mainly in the aspects as follows:


To set up a control structure for its controlling subsidiaries according to the law, to determine the main clauses of the articles
of association of the controlling subsidiaries, as well as to select directors, supervisors, managers and financial principal;


To coordinate the business strategies and security management strategies of its controlling subsidiaries and security management strategies
in accordance with the strategic plan of the company, and to urge its controlling subsidiaries to make related business operation
plan and security management procedures;


To institute rules concerning the evaluation, incentives and restraints of the business performances of its controlling subsidiaries;


To institute policies and procedures concerning the business competition and relevant transactions among the parent company and the


To institute an internal reporting system of the important matters of its controlling subsidiaries. The important matters shall consist
of, but not be limited to, development plans and budgets, important investments, purchase and sale of assets, provision of financial
aids, provision of guaranties to others, investments into the securities and financial derivatives, conclusion of important contracts,
as well as foreign exchange security management of its overseas controlling subsidiaries. and


To regularly get monthly financial reports and management reports of its controlling subsidiaries, and entrust an accounting firm
to audit the financial reports of its controlling subsidiaries in accordance with the related provisions.

Article 15

A company shall make evaluation on implementing, and inspecting and supervising the internal control system of its controlling subsidiaries.

Article 16

With reference to the above-mentioned requirements, a company shall arrange the internal control system of its branch companies,
and the joint stock companies which is with an important affect.

Section 2 Internal Control of Transactions of Financial Derivatives

Article 17

A company which takes part in transactions of financial derivatives shall first make evaluation on its own security control capability
and set up a related internal control system. The transactions of financial derivatives shall consist of, but not be limited to,
futures transactions, options transactions, forward transactions and swap transactions on the basis of commodities or securities.

Article 18

The board of directors of a company shall have the full realization about the nature and security of the transactions of financial
derivatives and shall make a reasonable determination about the security limits and related transaction parameters of the financial
derivatives based on the security bearing capability of the company.

Article 19

According to the requirements as follows, a company shall carry out internal control over the transactions of financial derivatives:


To reasonably set up an aim for transactions of financial derivatives, and hedging strategies;


To set up rules concerning the implementation of transactions of financial derivatives, consisting of policies and procedures for
the qualifications, evaluation, security remoteness, implementation, stop-loss, record and reports of the traders;


To set up a security reporting system for the transactions of financial derivatives, consisting of the authorization, implementation,
contingent assets, potential security, hedging strategies and other details of transactions; and


To set up a security management system for transactions of financial derivatives, consisting of the policies and procedures for the
organizational setup, duties, records and reports.

Section 3 Internal Control of Other Risks

Article 20

According to the industrial characteristics, strategic aims and different security management strategies, a company shall make related
internal control arrangements for the particular securities.

Article 21

A company shall set up a crisis management and control system.

Chapter IV Inspection and Supervision of Internal Control

Article 22

A company shall inspect the implementation of its internal control system regularly or irregularly. Upon the inspection and supervision
over the internal control system, the board of directors and management level shall find whether there are any defects in the internal
control system and whether there are any problems in the implementation thereof, and improve it in time in order to ensure the effective
implementation thereof.

Article 23

A company shall make a determination about a special functional department to take charge of the routine inspection and supervision
of internal control and shall, in accordance with the related provisions and the actual circumstances of the company, arrange full-time
personnel for the inspection and supervision of internal control. A company may arrange the organizational setup of this functional
department according to its own organizational structure and the industrial characteristics.

The “special functional department” mentioned in the preceding paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the “inspection and supervision
department”) may make a direct report to the board of directors. The board of directors may determine the appointment and dismissal
of the person-in-charge of this department.

Article 24

A company shall set up measures to inspect and supervise the internal control, which shall at least cover:


The authorization granted by the board of directors or related institution concerning the inspection and supervision of internal control;


The cooperative obligations of the departments and subordinate institutions of the company in the inspection and supervision of internal


The items, time, procedures and methods for the inspection and supervision of internal control;


The means of reporting of the work of inspection and supervision of internal control;


The division of the responsibilities concerning the work of inspection and supervision of internal control; and


The incentive system for the inspection and supervision of internal control.

Article 25

In accordance with its own business operation features, a company shall set up an annual plan concerning the inspection and supervision
of internal control and make it serve as the basis for evaluating the running of internal control.

The important matters, such as the purchase and sale of assets, relevant transactions, transactions of derivatives, financial aids
offered, guaranties given to others, use of fund raised, entrusted financing, shall be considered as indispensable items in the plan
concerning the inspection and supervision of internal control by a company.

Article 26

A report on the work of inspection and supervision of internal control shall be handed in to the board of directors by an inspection
and supervision department at the end of a year and half a year.

In accordance with the business operation features of the company, the board of directors of a company shall make requirements for
the contents and formats of a report concerning the work of inspection and supervision of internal control.

Article 27

The board of directors of a company shall guide the work of inspection and supervision of internal control, and review the report
concerning the work of inspection and supervision of internal control handed in by the inspection and supervision department. If
there is an audit committee under the board of directors of the company, the aforesaid work may be conducted by the audit committee.

Article 28

In the report concerning the work of inspection and supervision of internal control, the inspection and supervision personnel shall
reflect the defects of internal control and the problems occurring in the implementation thereof according to the facts, and track
them after reporting them to the board of directors in order to make sure that the related department has taken appropriate improvement
measures in time.

The defects of internal control and the problems occurring in the exercise thereof referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be
listed by the company as important items for the performance evaluation of all departments.

Article 29

The working materials of inspection and supervision department, consisting of the reports concerning the work of inspection and supervision
of internal control, working papers and related materials, shall be preserved for 10 years or more.

Chapter V Information Disclosure of Internal Control

Article 30

During the inspection and supervision of internal control, if a company finds that there is any serious defect or severe security
in the internal control, it shall report it to the board of directors in time. The board of directors of the company shall report
it to this Stock Exchange in time and shall make an announcement in time upon confirmation of this Stock Exchange.

In the public announcement the company shall explain the links wherein defects may appear in the internal control, the aftermaths
and related liabilities and the remedial measures therefore.

Article 31

According to the report on the work of inspection and supervision of internal control and related information, the board of directors
shall make evaluation on the establishment and implementation of internal control system of the company and make a report concerning
the self-evaluation of internal control. The board of directors of the company shall make a resolution about the report concerning
the self-evaluation of internal control when it deliberates the annual financial report.

There is an audit committee under the board of directors of a company, the audit committee may make a draft report concerning the
self-evaluation of internal control and hand in it to the board of directors for deliberation.

Article 32

When disclosing the annual report, the board of directors of a company shall, at the same time, disclose the annual report concerning
the self-evaluation of internal control and the verification and evaluation opinions of the accounting firm on the report concerning
the self-evaluation of internal control.

Article 33

The report concerning the self-evaluation of internal control of a company shall at least cover the following contents:


Whether or not a internal control system has been set up and perfect;


Whether or not the internal control system is carried out effectively;


The circumstances concerning the work of inspection and supervision of internal control;


the serious securities occurred in the internal control system and during the period of implementation thereof, and how to conduct
the serious securities;


The evaluation of completion of the plan concerning the work of inspection and supervision of internal control for this year;


Related measures on improving internal control system; and


The plan concerning the internal control of the related work for the next year.

An accounting firm shall make verification and evaluation on the reports concerning the self-evaluation of internal control of companies
according to the related provisions of the competent organ,.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 34

This Stock Exchange shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Guidelines.

Article 35

These Guidelines shall go into effect as of July 1, 2006.

Shanghai Stock Exchange



Reply of China Insurance Regulatory Commission concerning the China-based Branch of American International Assurance Co., Ltd. on
Developing Stock Investments Business

Bao Jian Zi Jin [2006] No.629

The Asset Management Center of China Region of American International Assurance Co., Ltd.:

Your Second Request for Instructions concerning the Administrative Licensing for Engaging in Stock Investments by Directly Using the
Insurance Funds as well as the Supplementary Materials thereof (You Hu Ren [2006] No. 154 and No. 186) have been received. After
examination, upon an approval, you are granted to manage the stock investment plan of the 7 China-based branch (sub-branch) enterprises
of the American International Assurance Co., Ltd as a trustee.

Your Center and all branch (sub-branch) enterprises shall develop the related businesses according to the related laws and provisions.

China Insurance Regulatory Commission

June 19, 2006

China Insurance Regulatory Commission



Decree of the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration
of Taxation and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce

No. 18

The Measures for the Administration on Sales Promotion Acts of Retailers, which were adopted at the 7th executive meeting of the Ministry
of Commerce on July 13, 2006 and were approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security,
the State Administration of Taxation and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, are hereby promulgated and shall enter
into force as of October 15, 2006.
Bo Xilai, Minister of the Ministry of Commerce

Ma Kai, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission

Zhou Yongkang, Minister of the Ministry of Public Security

Xie Xuren, Director of State Administration of Taxation

Wang Zhongfu, Director of State Administration for Industry and Commerce

September 12, 2006

Measures for the Administration on Sales Promotion Acts of Retailers

Article 1

With a view to regulating the sales promotion acts of retailers, ensuring the lawful rights and interests of consumers, maintaining
the order of fair competition and the interests of the general public, and promoting the sound and orderly development of the retailing
industry, the present Measures are formulated under the relative laws and regulations.

Article 2

The present Measures shall apply to the sales promotion acts conducted by retailers within the territory of the People’s Republic
of China.

Article 3

The term “retailer” as mentioned in the present Measures means the enterprises and their branches as well as the individual business
households, which have registered in the administrative departments for industry and commerce and sell commodities to consumers.

The term “sales promotion” as mentioned in the present Measures refers to the marketing activities that retailers conduct in order
to attract consumers and expand sales.

Article 4

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities, shall follow the principles of lawfulness, fairness and good faith and observe
the commercial ethics, and may not undertake any sales promotion activity in violation of social moralities, disturb the market competition
order and the social public order or impair the lawful rights and interests of consumers and other business operators.

Article 5

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities, shall have corresponding safety equipments and management measures and ensure
the smoothness of the safe passages for fire control. As regards large-scale sales promotion activities such as business start, festival
celebration or business anniversary, it shall set down an emergency scheme for safety so as to ensure good shopping order and prevent
the sales promotion activity from causing any traffic jam, disorder, transmission of diseases, personal injuries or property losses.

Article 6

The contents of advertisements or any other propaganda for sales promotion of a retailer shall be authentic, lawful, explicit and
understandable, in which the retailer shall not use any language, word, picture or image which is ambiguous or misleading. The retailer
may not, under the excuse of retaining the final explanation right, impair the lawful rights and interests of consumers.

Article 7

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities, shall show the promotion contents at an eye-catching place in its business
site, which shall include the promotion reasons, form, rules, time limit, commodity scope and other restrictive conditions.

The retailer shall clearly indicate the counters or goods which are not under the sales promotion activities, and may not declare
whole-store promotion. When clearly indicating the exceptional commodities or promotion rules with restrictive conditions or additional
conditions, the relative characters or pictures shall be conspicuous and definite.

The retailer may not, unless the change is caused by any force majeure, change any of the promotion contents within the time limit
as indicated after it has begun to undertake a promotion activity.

Article 8

A retailer, when undertaking a sales promotion activity, shall pay taxes on its promotion commodities (including the awards or complimentary
gifts for sales with awards) according to law.

Article 9

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities, shall establish a sound price management archives, faithfully, correctly
and completely record the prices prior to and during the process of the promotion activity, and shall properly preserve them and
accept supervision and inspection according to law.

Article 10

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities, shall clearly mark the prices on the price tags with and complete pricing
items, true, clear, and eligible price contents, corresponding goods and price tags and conspicuous marks. It shall not sell any
goods by increasing the marked price, nor charge any fee that is not indicated clearly.

Article 11

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities, may not cheat or induce the consumers to buy commodities by giving them
a discount on the basis of a false original price or by marking a misleading price or by taking a misleading price method.

Article 12

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities, may not decline the quality or after-sale service level of the promotion
commodities (including the awards and complimentary gifts for sales attached with awards), or may not use any article which does
not meet the quality requirements as awards or complimentary gifts.

Article 13

A retailer, when undertaking sales activities with awards, shall d isplay the awards or complimentary gifts, and may not mislead
the consumers by the false values of awards or complimentary gifts or by ambiguous words.

Article 14

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities within a time limit, shall ensure adequate supply of the commodities within
the said time limit.

A retaile shall clearly indicate the concrete quantity of the promotion commodities when undertaking sales promotion activities within
a certain quantity. Where the stores of a chain enterprise undertake sales promotion activities within a certain quantity, they shall
clearly indicate the concrete quantities of the promotion commodities in their respective stores. As for a sales promotion activity
within a certain quantity, a notice of termination of the sales promotion shall be given as soon as the promotion commodities are
sold out.

Article 15

A retailer, when undertaking sales promotion activities through preferential cards of accumulative points, shall clearly indicate
the method to obtain the accumulative points, the valid time period for the said accumulative points and the preferential items to
be obtained for the purchase of goods.

After a consumer gets a preferential card of accumulative points, the retailer may not change any of the items as clearly indicated
in the preceding paragraph, except for the changes that will add to the rights and interests of the consumer.

Article 16

No retailer may undertake any sales promotion activity by making up a reason such as rummage sale, store dismantlement and resettlement,
termination of business, suspension of business or shifting to another business.

Article 17

Where a consumer asks the retailer to provide an invoice or purchase voucher for a promotion commodity, the retailer shall do so
immediately and may not require the consumer to pay any extra fee.

Article 18

No retailer may, under the excuse of sales promotion, refuse to return or change any commodity or set any barrier for the consumers’
return or change of commodities.

Article 19

Industrial associations shall be encouraged to establish credit archives on commercial retailing enterprises so as to intensify the
self-discipline and guide the retailers to undertake sales promotion activities on the basis of law compliance, fairness and good

Article 20

Where the single store of a retailer with a business area of more than 3, 000 square meters, if the retailer undertakes a sales promotion
activity under the name of business start of any new store, festival celebration or store anniversary, it shall submit the clearly
indicated promotion contents to the commerce administrative department of the place where the business site is located for archiving
purpose within 15 days as of the end of the sales promotion activity.

Article 21

The departments of commerce, price, tax, and industry and commerce of all places shall, in accordance with the pertinent laws, regulations
and provisions, supervise and manage the sales promotion acts under their respective functions. In case any sales promotion act is
involved in any crime, it shall be investigated and punished by the public security organ.

Article 22

Any entity or individual may report any act in violation of the present Measures to the aforesaid entities which shall investigate
and punish it after receiving the tip-off.

Article 23

Where any retailer’s act is in violation of the present Measures, if it is subject to any other law or regulation, such law or regulation
shall prevail. If it is not provided for in any law or regulation, the retailer shall be ordered to make corrections. In the case
of any illegal gains, the retailer may be imposed upon a fine of 3 times of the amount of illegal gains or less, but not exceeding
30, 000 Yuan. In the case of no illegal gains, the retailer shall be imposed upon a fine of 10, 000 Yuan or less. In addition, an
announcement may be made.

Article 24

All provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in light of their respective actual
circumstances, formulate relative provisions to regulate the sales promotion acts.

Article 25

The power to interpret the present Measures shall remain with the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission,
the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

Article 26

The present Measures shall enter into force as of October 15, 2006.

The Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the State
Administration of Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce



Decree No. 20 of the Ministry of Commerce of The People’s Republic of China

No. 20

The Measures for Administering the Establishment of Direct Selling Service Network have been adopted at the 8th ministerial meeting
of the Ministry of Commerce on August 21, 2006. They are hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of October 20, 2006.
Minister of the Ministry of Commerce Bo Xilai

September 20, 2006

Measures for the Administration of the Establishment of Direct Selling Service Network

Article 1

For the purpose of regulating the direct sale and intensifying the supervision over direct sale, these Measures are constituted under
the Regulation on Direct Selling Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).

Article 2

The application materials as submitted by an applicant enterprise shall cover a project of service network in the target direct selling
zone. A project of service network shall satisfy the requirements as follows:


It shall meet the requirements of end customers and direct salesmen as to know about the product property, price and return and exchange
of products;


It may not be set up in such places as residence, schools, hospitals, armies and government organs; and


It shall meet the related requirements of the people’s government at or above the county level for the establishment of direct selling
service network.

Article 3

The organs at the municipal or county level are designated as the elemental entities to grant approval for direct selling business
by The Ministry of Commerce. In each districted city, an applicant enterprise shall establish no fewer than 1 service network in
each district of the city. Any direct selling activity in any other district/county of the city shall be declared under these Measures.

The commerce department at or above the county level shall conduct examination on the project of service network as submitted by an
applicant enterprise in accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 10 of the Regulation. In the case of approval, a written Letter of
Authorization (see Appendix I for model format) certifying that the project of service network that meets the requirements of Article
2 of these Measures shall be shown to the commerce department at the provincial level.

Article 4

When the commerce department at the provincial level transfers the application materials of an enterprise to the Ministry of Commerce,
it shall show the Confirmation Letter of the Project of Service Network (see Appendix II for model format) simultaneously. The Confirmation
Letter shall cover the following contents:


The enterprise’s project of service network has been confirmed by the local commerce department at or above the district/county level;


The enterprise’s project of service network in the target direct selling zone in the province meets the requirements of paragraph
2, Article 10 of the Regulation.

Article 5

An enterprise that has gained a Licence for Direct Selling Business in accordance with law shall complete the establishment of service
network in light of the project of service network as reported to and approved by the Ministry of Commerce within 6 months as of
the day when the approval document is issued. In case any enterprise fails to complete the establishment of the aforesaid service
network, it may not conduct any direct selling business in any zone for which its project of service network has not been carried
out. If the enterprise plans to conduct any direct selling business in the aforesaid zone, it shall make separate declaration in
accordance with the Regulation.

Article 6

The commerce department of the related province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, jointly
with the commerce department at or above the district/county level where the service network is located, conduct examination on the
service network that has been set up in the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government in
accordance with the Regulation as well as the related provisions, and shall report the result of the examination to the Ministry
of Commerce for archival purpose in a one-off manner. The Ministry of Commerce shall, upon archival filing, publicize the zones and
networks where a direct selling enterprise may engage in direct selling business through the management website of direct selling
service. A direct selling enterprise may not carry out any direct selling activity before the related examination and archival filing
is completed.

Article 7

A direct selling enterprise may expand its service networks in those districts where it has been approved to undertake the direct
selling business in accordance with the requirements for business development without going through any examination and approval,
but it shall report its project of expansion to the Ministry of Commerce for archival purpose through the commerce department at
the provincial level. The Ministry of Commerce shall, upon archival filing, publicize the expanded service network in the districts
where the related direct selling enterprise has been approved to undertake the direct selling business through the management website
of direct selling service.

The local commerce department may require a direct selling enterprise to expand its service network in accordance with paragraph 2,
Article 10 of the Regulation, and shall give the related explanations thereto.

In case a direct selling enterprise adjusts its project of service networks, or reduces the service network shall be reported to the
original department of examination for approval and shall be put on archives in accordance with the related provisions.

Article 8

Anyone who disobeys the provisions of these Measures shall be imposed upon a punishment in accordance with the provisions of Article
39 of the Regulation.

Article 9

The related commerce department as well as the functionaries thereof shall perform their responsibilities in accordance with the
law and take charge of the administration of the foundation of service network. Anyone who disobeys the provisions these Measures
shall be imposed upon a punishment in accordance with the provisions of Article 38 of the Regulation.

Article 10

The Ministry of Commerce shall be responsible for interpreting these Measures.

Article 11

These Measures shall enter into force as of October 20, 2006.

Appendix 1
Letter of Authorization about the Service Network of XX (Name of the Applicant Enterprise for Direct Selling Business)

XX (Name of the commerce department of a province/municipality directly under the Central Government/ autonomous region):

Upon deliberation, the project of service network of XX (name of the applicant enterprise for direct selling business) as set up in
this county /city/ district will facilitate and satisfy the requirements of the customers and direct salesmen in the county, city
or district to know about the product capability, price and return and exchange of products of XX(name of the applicant enterprise
for direct selling business). And the service network thereof is not set up in such places as residence, schools, hospitals, armies
and government organs.

Appendix: Project of the Service Network under Application of XX (Name of the Applicant Enterprise for Direct Selling Business)

The commerce department at the county/city/region district level (Seal)

Date Month Year
Appendix 2
Confirmation Letter of the Service Network under Application of XX (Name of the Applicant Enterprise for Direct Selling Business)

The Ministry of Commerce:

1.XX (Name of the applicant enterprise for direct selling business) plans to engage in the direct selling business in our province/municipality
directly under the Central Government/autonomous region, covering “YY, YY￿￿”(Name of the related counties/cities/ districts). And
its project of service network has been reported to the aforesaid county/ city/ district.

2.The project of service network of XX (Name of the applicant enterprise for direct selling business) has been certificated by the
commerce department of the aforesaid county/city/district, for which a Letter of Authorization has been produced.

3.The project of service network of XX (Name of the applicant enterprise for direct selling business) in this county/city/region district
meets the requirements as prescribed in paragraph 2, Article 10 of the Regulation on Direct Selling Administration.

4. The principal of the (Department/Commission/Bureau) of Commerce of this Province (Municipality directly under the Central Government/Autonomous
Region) has examined and approved this Confirmation Letter.

Commerce department at the provincial level (Seal)

Date Month Year

The Ministry of Commerce


CONSTITUTION ACT, 1982 – page 22

NOTES (1) The enacting clause was repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1893, 56-57 Vict., c. 14 (U.K.). It read as...