Home Consolidated Regulations V Pacific Pilotage Tariff Regulations

Pacific Pilotage Tariff Regulations

Pacific Pilotage Tariff Regulations SOR /85-583 PILOTAGE ACT Registration 1985-06-21 Regulations Prescribing Tariffs of Pilotage Charges to Be Paid to the Pacific Pilotage Authority for Pilotage in the Coastal and Fraser River Pilotage Areas P.C. 1985-2024 1985-06-20

Whereas the Pacific Pilotage Authority, pursuant to section 23 of the Pilotage Act , published in the Canada Gazette Part I on April 6, 1985, Regulations prescribing tariffs of pilotage charges to be paid to the Pacific Pilotage Authority for pilotage in the Coastal and Fraser River pilotage areas; And Whereas more than thirty days have expired form the date of publication and no notices of objection to the proposed tariffs were filed with the Canadian Transport Commission pursuant to subsection 23(2) of the Pilotage Act . Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to section 22 of the Pilotage Act , is pleased hereby to approve the revocation of the Pacific Pilotage Fraser River Tariff Regulations Footnote * and of the Pacific Pilotage Coastal Tariff Regulations Footnote ** and approve, in substitution therefor, the annexed Regulations prescribing tariffs of pilotage charges to be paid to the Pacific Pilotage Authority for pilotage in the Coastal and Fraser River pilotage areas, made by the Pacific Pilotage Authority on May 7, 1985. Return to footnote * SOR/83-455, 1983 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 2287 Return to footnote ** SOR/83-456, 1983 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 2291 Short Title 1 A