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Order Designating the Minister of Communications as Appropriate Minister with Respect to the National Archives, the National Film Board, the National Library, the National Gallery, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the

Order Designating the Minister of Communications as Appropriate Minister with Respect to the National Archives, the National Film Board, the National Library, the National Gallery, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the National Museum of Science and Technology SOR /93-536 FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ACT Registration 1993-12-02 Order Designating the Minister of Communications as Appropriate Minister with Respect to the National Archives, the National Film Board, the National Library, the National Gallery, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the National Museum of Science and Technology P.C. 1993-1982 1993-12-02

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, is pleased hereby (a) A