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Delegation of Powers (Customs) Regulations

Delegation of Powers (Customs) Regulations SOR /86-359 CUSTOMS ACT Registration 1986-03-25 Regulations Delegating Powers Conferred by Section 163 of the Customs Act Upon the Minister of National Revenue

The Minister of National Revenue, pursuant to subsection 163(2) of the Customs Act , hereby revokes the Delegation of Powers (Customs) Regulations made on the 12th of October, 1984 Footnote * and, in substitution therefor, makes the annexed Regulations delegating powers conferred by section 163 of the Customs Act upon the Minister of National Revenue . Return to footnote * SOR/84-807, 1984 Canada Gazette Part II, p. 3965 Ottawa, March 25, 1986 ELMER MacKAY Minister of National Revenue Short Title 1 A