Announcement of the First Open Bid-inviting for Export Light and Dead-burned Magnesia Quota of 2007

The first open bid-inviting for export dead-burned magnesia quota of 2007 will start on December 12, 2006, and will conduct by two
parts. In accordance with related provisions in the Measures of the Bid-inviting for Export Commodity Quotas (hereinafter referred
to as the Measures) and the Implementation Rules of the Bid-inviting for Export Industrial Goods Quotas (Wai Jing Mao Mao Fa[2001]No.626,
hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Rules), related matters are hereby publicized as follows:

Part 1


Name and scope of bid-inviting commodities

The name and custom code is as follows:

naturai magnesium carbonate(magnesite): 25191000

fused magnesia(electromagnesium, including spray supplement material):25199010

dead-burned magnesia(burned magnesia￿￿including spray supplement material):25199020

alkali- burned magnesia(light-burned magnesia):25199030

waste magnesia brick: 25309090.10


Bid-inviting amount

The open bid-inviting amount of light and dead-burned magnesia for this time is 738,000tones.


Bid-inviting time

Biding time: December 15 to 18, 2006

Terminal time of bid-inviting: 16￿￿0, December 18, 2006

Open time of bids: 10￿￿0, December 19, 2006


Biding mode

Biding shall be conducted employing the Chinese International Electronic Commerce Web. The enterprise can submit only one piece of
electronic tender document before the terminal time of the bids, and where two or more are submitted, the tender document of the
enterprise is considered as invalid.

The Chinese International Electronic Commerce Center (EDI) shall be in charge of the technical safeguard for the electronic biding
and be responsible for interpretation of the specific operation problems.

Telephone￿￿010-67870108(customer service center), 010-67800472￿￿67800334￿￿67800365￿￿67800045



Biding amount


The minimum biding amount shall be 100tones, and the maximum shall be classified according to the average annual export and supply
amount of goods from 2003 to 2005, and the specific classification measures are as follows:


Where the average annual export and supply amount of goods is 3,000 tones and more, the maximum biding amount is 55% of the average
amount aforesaid;


Where the average annual export and supply amount of goods is less than 3,000 tones, the maximum is 1,200tones.


Annual export and supply amount of goods=Actual amount of average annual export￿￿.9 + Actual sum of average annual export ￿￿Single
price of national average export ￿￿.1


Any tender document with biding amount above the maximum or below the minimum shall be treated as invalid.


Minimum biding price

The minimum biding price has been determined, and enterprises may directly accept the minimum price determined by the Biding Committee
in its tender document. Any tender document, of which the biding price is lower than the minimum, shall be abolished.


P rice and amount of winning bid

The biding prices of all the biding enterprises shall be arranged sequentially from high to low, and the biding amount will be accumulated
in light of the sequence. Where the accumulating biding amount is equal to the bid-inviting amount, enterprises reckoned in the total
accumulating biding amount (namely the total bid=inviting amount) shall be the bid-wining ones, and the biding amount be the bid-winning
amount. Where the total biding amount of the enterprises with the minimum bid-winning price exceeds the remained quota, these enterprises
shall obtain quotas in accordance with their biding amount proportions. Where the bid-winning amount is below the minimum bid-inviting
amount, it is handled as failing to win bids.

The biding price is the bid-winning price.


Inquiry of the result of winning bid

This bid shall be opened at 10:00of December 19, 2006, and the preliminary result of winning bid will be promulgated on www.ec.com.cn
on December 20. In case any enterprise with any objection, it may submit to the Bidding Office before 15￿￿00 of December 22. Any
bidding enterprise may inquire about its status of winning bid examined and officially publicized by the Biding Committee via www.ec.com.cn
as of December 25. The Bidding Office will not issue a written Notice for Winning Bid to enterprises.


Deposit for winning bid

The deposit for winning bid (bid-winning price ￿￿id-wining amount ￿￿0%) for this bid is 10 percent of the bid-winning amount and
shall be remitted to the designated account before the February 28, 2007 by the bid-wining enterprise.

Unit name: China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters

Bank for opening the account: Beijing Wanda Square Branch of China CITIC Bank;

Account number: 7112410182600001325

The Biding Committee shall, in accordance with related provisions in the Measures and the Implementation Rules, deal with enterprises
that fail to remit the deposit for winning bid and waste quota.


The Bidding Office of Export Light and Dead-burned Magnesia Quotas

Address: 17/F, Fanli Building, No.22 of Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Bejing;

Post code: 100020

Telephone : 010-65882501-1721￿￿1730￿￿1732

Fax : 010-65882509

Part 2


Name and scope of bid-inviting commodities

Other minerals with more than 70%(including 70%) magnesium oxide under custom code 25199099.10.


Bid-inviting amount

The open bid-inviting amount of other minerals with more than 70%(including 70%) magnesium oxide for this time is 58,200tones.


Bid-inviting time

Biding time: December 15 to 18, 2006

Terminal time of bid-inviting: 16￿￿0, December 18, 2006

Open time of bids: 10￿￿0, December 19, 2006


Biding mode

Biding shall be conducted employing the Chinese International Electronic Commerce Web. The enterprise can submit only one piece of
electronic tender document before the terminal time of the bids, and where two or more are submitted, the tender document of the
enterprise is considered as invalid.

The Chinese International Electronic Commerce Center (EDI) shall be in charge of the technical safeguard for the electronic biding
and be responsible for interpretation of the specific operation problems.

Telephone￿￿010-67870108(customer service center), 010-67800472￿￿67800334￿￿67800365￿￿67800045



Biding amount


The minimum biding amount shall be 500tones, and the maximum shall be classified according to the average annual export and supply
amount of goods from 2003 to 2005, and the specific classification measures are as follows:


Where the average annual export and supply amount of goods is 2,500 tones and more, the maximum biding amount is 21% of the average
amount aforesaid;


Where the average annual export and supply amount of goods is less than 2,500 tones, the maximum is 500tones.


Annual export and supply amount of goods=Actual amount of average annual export


Any tender document with biding amount above the maximum or below the minimum shall be treated as invalid.


Minimum biding price

The minimum biding price has been determined, and enterprises may directly accept the minimum price determined by the Biding Committee
in its tender document.

Any tender document, of which the biding price is lower than the minimum, shall be abolished.


P rice and amount of winning bid

The biding prices of all the biding enterprises shall be arranged sequentially from high to low, and the biding amount will be accumulated
in light of the sequence. Where the accumulating biding amount is equal to the bid-inviting amount, enterprises reckoned in the total
accumulating biding amount (namely the total bid=inviting amount) shall be the bid-wining ones, and the biding amount be the bid-winning
amount. Where the total biding amount of the enterprises with the minimum bid-winning price exceeds the remained quota, these enterprises
shall obtain quotas in accordance with their biding amount proportions. Where the bid-winning amount is below the minimum bid-inviting
amount, it is handled as failing to win bids.

The biding price is the bid-winning price.


Inquiry of the result of winning bid

This bid shall be opened at 10:00of December 19, 2006, and the preliminary result of winning bid will be promulgated on www.ec.com.cn
on December 20. In case any enterprise with any objection, it may submit to the Bidding Office before 15￿￿00 of December 22. Any
bidding enterprise may inquire about its status of winning bid examined and officially publicized by the Biding Committee via www.ec.com.cn
as of December 25. The Bidding Office will not issue a written Notice for Winning Bid to enterprises.


Deposit for winning bid

The deposit for winning bid (bid-winning price ￿￿id-wining amount ￿￿0%) for this bid is 10 percent of the bid-winning amount and
shall be remitted to the designated account before the February 28, 2007 by the bid-wining enterprise.

Unit name: China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters

Bank for opening the account: Beijing Wanda Square Branch of China CITIC Bank;

Account number: 7112410182600001325

The Biding Committee shall, in accordance with related provisions in the Measures and the Implementation Rules, punish enterprises
that fail to remit the deposit for winning bid and waste quota.


The Bidding Office of Export Light and Dead-burned Magnesia Quotas

Address: 17/F, Fanli Building, No.22 of Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District, Bejing;

Post code: 100020

Telephone : 010-65882501-1721￿￿1730￿￿1732

Fax : 010-65882509

The Committee of Bid-inviting for Export Commodity Quotas

December 11, 2006

The Committee of Bid-inviting for Export Commodity Quotas